
Nope, I was in kindergarten in 1980, so I was a wee bit younger.

I loved Olivia Newton John when I was little. LOVED. I had her double LP greatest hits, and Grease and Xanadu were my jam. I can't count the number of times baby me watched that movie- in pretty sure we taped it off of HBO. My dad had one of those giant first VCRs. This movie is the tits. Fact.

I stopped watching this season right before the orgy episode. And I have not missed it at all. This tells me I made the right decision. OF COURSE Ani and Ray slept together. and OF COURSE all the male leads died. UGH. This season was just awful. Uninteresting story. Uninteresting mystery. Uninteresting acting choices.

Holy fuck, she is amazing. Just... the muscles and the flexibility and damn. Full stop- one of the greatest athletes to ever live.

Good idea. Brady Campaign- I remember that shooting, even though I was a wee tot.

I live in the Nashville area. My husband and kid were going to a movie today. Thankfully, it is not this theater. Plus, I don’t think he was taking the almost 8 year old to see Mad Max. UGH this is just. Ugh. Fuck gun culture. Fuck the NRA. Fuck all this shit.

You argue for preference in a funny way that sounds like you are talking about objective fact.

Then why did you say being hairless was more aesthetically pleasing? It may be more pleasing TO YOU, but it is not an objective fact. Which is what you seem to be arguing.

I find more hair aesthetically pleasing. On men and women. I prefer my adults with body hair.


They are definitely way more interesting when they can talk and walk and stuff. Babies are kind of blobs that ooze the first few months of their lives. The older my kid gets the more interesting she gets, no question. Also the sassier she gets and the lamer she thinks I am. C’est la vie.

Nancy, what the fuck are you talking about please?


MY PEOPLE. Emerson Cod 4LYFE.

This story is amazing.

I am 1000% on board with implementing this. Can I be that invested? I can't do percentages because of my lady brain.

Awwww, my black heart melted a little reading that. Your grandparents are adorable.

Yaaaaaaas! Also, her arms are ridiculous. Female American athletes have been KILLING IT!!!

Omg. When everyone stands up, and he’s like, wait, what, and turns around, and everyone is standing. Right in the feels.

This is inspiring, and kick ass, and all of the best of humans and Americans and Southerners.