
I worked in the music business in Nashville for a bit in the late 90’s/early ‘00’s and yes to all of this. Behind the scenes it was sexist AF back then. It was almost impossible to rise up the ranks as a woman in the business side. So it's the front and the back of the house.

The hearing struggle is real. I cannot hear most of the dialog. Turn the volume up, HBO!

I still quote that sketch. Brilliant.

This. This. This. I am agnostic, but that speech was about the absolute best of spirituality and religion, and reminded a lot of people I hope about how integral to the civil rights movement black churches were and are. I managed to hold it together until that first organ hit.

That eulogy was electrifying. The President brought the whole world to church, and I was here for it.

This story is amazing. You are my hero.

You are truly an inspiration. Seriously. That is some A+ slutting. I wish I was half as slutty in my single days.

This is amazing. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.

I immediately listened to this interview this morning. It was so good. Go Marc! Go Obama!

One word goes thru my brain looking at Jason Moma. UNHF. Which is the grunt I make when my panties drop.

This is amazing and I need to try this immediately.

Ever since I developed GERD (AKA acid reflux for us old people) a few years ago, I have a startingly low tolerance for entertainment with gore or even descriptions of medical procedures. So like all the body gore trends of the last 5-10 years in horror movies? NO THANK YOU. Like I saw the poster for “Human Centipede”

Is there a way for negative stars? cause I looked it up. And I was right. It was SO GROSS. EWWWWWWWW

Wait. What is this even? Never mind , because that gif tells me I really, really, don't want to know.

Pretty much every time I have heard a story about Lorretta Lynch, my brain has heard Lorretta Lynn. Every. Time. Growing up in Nashville, Loretta Lynn will always be my #1 Loretta.

I AM HERE FOR THIS! I still remember wearing out my Control cassette in middle school.

Your photo is adorable, and your mother is a horrible person and I’m sorry she was such a bag of dicks but I’m glad you got free of her.

ERMAGERD IT IS SO CUTE. I think I just exploded.

It is Australia. Maybe cats had to evolve into moist, dirt eating ugly things due to all the poisonous predators around. Damn shame, though, cause that is one ugly cat.

Now I kinda want to though, just to scare Republicans more. “I watched Ellen’s show and I got lesbianed!”