
I hope you ladies are reading the comments, because I want to tell you that you are AMAZING. I am a 40 year old woman and I wish I had half of your determination and drive. Don't lose that tenacity, that self confidence, or that chutzpah. You are doing good work actually seeing a problem, and actually doing something

Unf. That is...not ok.

You speak the truth, my friend.

You are a student of Judge Kara Brown. Well done.

Missy Elliot gif party? MISSY ELLIOT GIF PARTY!

This is AMAAAAAAZING! I like all this. Rihanna sounds FABULOUS. I love her voice so prominent in the mix. The denim is so ugly it's cute. And who's that playing guitar? Oh, just PAUL MOTHAFUCKING MCCARTNEY. No big. Even Kanye hopping around works. This is all the things I love in a pop song - fun hook, stuff that's

I'll miss you something fierce, fellow southerner. Give 'em hell at Cosmo.

As a white lady, one of the best things about the Internet is the fact that black people can call us on our shit. Really. The fact that racism is something that I can choose not to think about is a privilege, and it is one I was truly ignorant of for a long time.

Yea verily, Honorable Judge Brown is doing the Lord's work.

Seriously- when they cut to Angie eating popcorn I chortled, then said, "That is going to be my new favorite popcorn eating gif." That boy is a STAH!

You are awesome and your mom is a delight.

Thank you for sharing your awesomely horrible wedding story and bringing the world Yoga Nerd MD, who is funny as fuck. You are a true role model.

The sad thing is I remember doing this to my mom when I was little. Those circle racks are just begging for a kid to hide in them.

OH GOD LOSING THEM IN A STORE. When my daughter was 3 we were in Target and she was playing the "hide from mommy" game behind the racks. And I was about tired of it, so I was purposely "ignorning" her and being like "I don't know WHERE she is!", thinking I knew which rack she was behind. Well, you guessed it, she

SO MANY STUPID INJURIES. My latest was stepping funny off a curb, hyperextending my foot, and breaking 3 metatarsals and bruising a 4th. Had to have two surgeries to get the bones to heal correctly. All because I was too cheap to fix a $200 part on my car and was getting a jump start. I was parked next to the curb,

Edie should have Google glass, and walk into walls, fall down stairs, etc. while surfing the net on her glasses. YISSSSS.

YAAAAS! Now Baddie and you are my inspirations. I just hit the big 4-0 this year and I'm having a typical "I've wasted my life what am I doing?" Midlife crisis. I shall try to be like you two fine ladies and wear what the fuck I want look fabulous doing it!


Perfect casting. Yeeeeeeeeees.

They really are. Sure, polyester and leisure suits are horrible. But there were some fly things happening too. Plus I was born in the 70's so from an early age "grown up clothes" in my mind were '70s styles.