I'm getting '70's realness here, and I'm loving it. Also, that black and white striped dress? I WANTS IT.
I'm getting '70's realness here, and I'm loving it. Also, that black and white striped dress? I WANTS IT.
This is the best thing. I hope I am half the mom this lady is.
Can I just say YES to all of this! His sister played in his band for awhile, and she is a lesbian, so he's been in the LGBT equality camp for awhile. And he generally had very progressive beliefs. AND, back in the late 90's for a minute when I was in the publishing business in Nashville, I ran into him at an industry…
That trailer is amazeballs. I hope it comes my way.
Why else do we have kids except to do chores for us? Do as I say, kiddo. Not as I do. Now hand me another Sprite.
GAWD why haven't they invented self-folding laundry? I have three overflowing baskets, a stool that is now a laundry basket because of the clean clothes piled upon it, and another load in the dryer. It's bad enough to have to wash and dry it- must we put it away too?
Damn, calm yo' tits. Yes, sex work is degrading and shit. But some people like it. I don't think it should be illegal. It should be regulated out the wazoo to be as safe as possible. But I like to converse with people where they are at, not where I want them to be. She was seeking some real advice, not PROSTITUTION IS…
PLEASE GET SOME CUTE PENIS FOR ME! Seriously. I need to live vicariously through the internet.
GOOD FOR YOU. Seriously. That takes ovaries of steel. So glad you got out. YAY YOU!!!
FUCK STANDARD TIME IN IT'S EAR. Seriously. It is so horrible heading out to my car at quitting time and having it be dark already. SO CRAPPY.
BLESS. You can still be single, and like date, though, right? I'm an old married lady, so I don't know how the kids do it nowadays. But like can't you somehow gauge his interest? Like, in life, you will be rejected a lot. Does not mean you don't deserve love, it just means that particular person sucks and isn't worth…
It's a tough call, for sure. I'm lucky (?) enough to not be conventially attractive enough to ever have had that as an option, so I can't exactly relate. But I empathise with wondering if doing something that you may not like, or may be soul crushing, for a lot of money is the right thing to do. I am a person who…
GIRL, bless your 21 year old heart. Seriously. Just make your interest known, ask him out, and if he is not interested, you have all the time in the world to crush on some other cute guy. If he likes you - HIT IT. If he don't, FUCK HIS HIPSTER ASS. There are plenty more hot dudes out there that will be into you.
Did you sign a contract or anything that says you have to do it for x amount of time? If not, why can't you try it, and if after your first couple of bookings you discover this is not for you, quit? Yes, it's good money, and yes, it's getting money the "hard way", but if it's not too terrible and you find you enjoy…
I will subscribe to your newsletter. YES. God, it's like 6 pm, and it feels like 8:30. Is it time for bed yet?
Give big ol' kisses to Queso from this internet stranger. You keep doin' you, you crazy dog.
And you as well, my friend.
So all of us are wrong. And you're perfectly fine. Couldn't possibly be that you need to reflect on why so many people (seriously, go count up the reactions) reacted negatively to your comments. Odd that the common denominator is you, isn't it?
And you being alone in an old age home because no one wanted to be around such a sanctimonious asshole who is just worried about fat people knowing their place. The fact that I have ANY priority but how I look is pretty much the WORST THING A WOMAN CAN DO, right? Too thin- UGLY! Too fat- UGLY AND LAZY! It's like…