
I have been in a similar situation to you (friend having affair with married man), and I am giving all the side eye to the absolutists who are responding that you should've cut your friend out of your life. People are complicated, and can be good people that make shitty choices, especially when it comes to romantic

As my mom said back in the mid-90's, country music is what we called rock and roll when she was younger. Still applies, I think.

What's the time stamp on Loretta's reaction? I can barely watch the video because UGH. But I want to see the sainted face of Loretta Lynn because I assume her face says, "WTF is this nonsense?" But I really don't want to have to watch it all the way through.

ALL OF THIS. It is amazing to me how many state officials run unopposed or against some no-name third party. The TN legislature is a bunch of Republican blowhards who care way too much about appealing to their base and staying in office, and very little about making TN a better place or even looking after the

You and me both, fellow Tennessean. I am so disgusted with my state right now. Once the shitty abortion restrictions start getting passed, I'm hoping some sort of loud agitating movement starts up because seriously GET OUT OF MY BODY LEGISLATORS.

Oh my gawd. That gives me tingles in my lady bits.

Can we talk for a secound about how good an actor that the man who plays The Illustrated Seal is? His backstory telling was so touching. And now I know why- he's a real ACTOR! Awesome. Check this clip out. He sounds like he would be wicked fun to hang out with.

We are soul sisters, for I too love Vanilla Coke. It is the best with vodka.

Thank you for this, for I forgot to set this to record. Fixed. Everytime I read or hear Laverne Cox speak, I love her more.

Mugatu did it better.

I used to think that too about high talkers. I now have a colleague who is whip smart and great at her job, and has a high babyish voice naturally. Not quite as high as Maria Bamford's voice, but kinda like that. She always talks about how she knows people don't take her seriously because of her voice. I encourage her

YES THANK YOU. I have been very disappointed by the way Amanda Bynes' coverage has gone down on Jez lately. Also, Mark is a treasure. TREASURE.

OMG DAT FACE! In those pretty blue flowers!

Internet hugs to you. It is a hard, hard decision to make. I had to put my 16 year old kitty to sleep two months ago, and it was absolutely the right decision, but hard as hell. I miss her every day. And our remaining cat definitely greived right with us.

Oh, good catch! I missed that. My apologies, Emily. You are a rock star!

This girl is amazing. Keep on keepin' on, Lily.

YAAAAS I fully support this casting idea.

Stars to all of you for this thread.

Jeff Goldblum is one of those actors who I will always get hot for. GROWRRRRRR.