That is a reality check right there.
That is a reality check right there.
I love Strange Days! I still think she should've kicked Ralph Finnes ass to the curb at the end. She deserved better than a dumbass who was hung up on his ex.
Because white dudes aren't the only selfish assholes in the world.
Hugs and support to all the ladies in this thread. I lost my mom to cancer 9 years ago, and watching her go through the treatments was brutal. Fuck cancer. Yay being alive!
Tell your mom she looked KILLER. Nothing to be ashamed of there. I am 39 and I could not pull off a look like that.
Indeed, this was properly deployed snark. Well done, Tracy.
I'm assuming that 115.3 number is missing a million qualifier. Because 115.3 people total watching the Super Bowl? Not that impressive.
DAT SPLIT. Confession- I really didn't get the lust for him till this performance. I get it now. H.O.T. I think it was the drumming, actually. I have a thing for drummers. They are good at doing two different things with their hands, if you know what I mean.
There *may* be imaginary babies in their future!! CAN'T WAIT TILL THEY ARE IN THE TABLOID ROUNDUP!
WHUT? Oh god. One part of me wants to immediately google that footage. But the other part of me is like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN DO YOU WANT TO BE A SNOTTY CRYING MESS??
Dodai's imaginary boyfriend KILLED IT. The James Brown split, man. BEAUTIFUL. You could cut cheese on that man's cheekbones.
You are a genius, my friend. I salute you.
No I find it incomprehensible a woman would want to spare the feelings of a lecherous harasser by being direct in rejection.
Indeed, it was.
Yes! When I had my daughter, I stalled out at 4 cm dilated, so I ended up having a c-section. I had an epidural, and they basically cranked that up to 11 for the c-section. I couldn't feel pain, but I could definitely feel that people were yanking around my internal organs on the other side of the sheet. Very graphic…
My personal theory is that Kanye is Master Level Trolling with this bag. I like to think Kim is in on it.
THANK YOU! I have inadvertanly caught parts of Full House reruns on Nick at Nite lately, and I'm like, if an adult said half the things to Kimmy that Danny did, he'd have trouble. WTF? Plus, Kimmy was a partier in high school, unlike uptight DJ. Kimmy and I would be pals.
I have two words: GOR GEOUS!
All of this.
He (she?) looks so proud of that pile of hair!