
You just explained half of my high school, and a good bit of the people in my office. Excellent armchair psychologizing.

Wombats are motherfucking cute.

I love everything about this idea, and I have no idea why.

Here is a shocking fact for you- there are women who like video games! And they sometimes would like video games that let you choose a character let you pick a lady once in awhile! And the fact that this is exceedly rare, for a woman to be even an option in a video game avatar, is very much a problem to ladies. And,

Grace Jones is, was, and always will be the shit. Bow down, earthlings!

Presidential tit > Presidential tears.

A surprising plus for having a kid- after the baby shower, you are guaranteed to have birthday cake at least once a year! And then when your kids start going to other people's parties? IF YOU STAY THEY OFFER YOU CAKE. I always say yes.

I have obviously been going to the wrong baby showers.

One of the best movies ever. No lie.

I love the newborn baby confused face. Babies are like, little old wrinkly men. They don't know where they are, or why they're suddenly so cold and what is this icky feeling in their middle somewhere and this lady smells nice and can I sleep now? Good. She is SO CONFUSED AND ADORABLE.

And what would figure skating be without people who love sequins? Figure skating is like my gateway drug into sports. I like *get* figure skating. I love the artifice plus extreme physical talent. With sparkly! It's like the Show Choir of Sports. (That would be what Glee is about, young'uns!) That an entire government

So the Russians are committing to the worst figure skating in Olympic history, then?

OK Wait Patton Oswalt was on Justified and Dollhouse? Like, he is the quintesential schlubby comedian, but he gets all these Acting parts (with a capital A, of course). And he's fucking AWESOME. My favorite OH SHIT HE CAN ACT moment with him was United States of Tara. In a show full of hams, he was the sincere, sweet

Get it GURL. She looks amazing, and like she is having fun. It's like a chandelier bikini!

That is a good endorsement. I love historical drama in general, but one that tells the stories of a huge swath of America that is normally not told in a drama, and gets the details right enough that a history nerd likes it, is a ringing endorsement.

I had no idea this show existed, but after a quick Google, I am wanting to totally get on board. Sounds awesome.

This is brilliant advice. And very timely for me. Thank you.

How dare you cut onions in here and make me cry??? Not cool, man.

I did not have HBO when this show first aired, so I watched the controversy from the internet only and thought it was dumb then. We have HBO now (thank you, Khaleesi), and I just literally last night saw this episode for the first time, and holy shitballs, I thought the sex was HOTTTT. It was obviously damaged dude

I've often thought I am not a tattoo kinda person, but that is frigging brilliant. That would be awesome. You are obviously a hoopy frood.