
I really want to find a a way to use "Racist Fameball Horseshit" in conversation, because that turn of phrase perfectly sums up a lot of the horrible media coverage around this trial and verdict. Really, Fox News could use it as a much more accurate slogan than "Fair and Balanced".

I 100% endorse this method of parenting. I need to tattoo this backwards on my forehead or something so I don't forget, because there are a lot of times I need to remember this.

This headline is a thing of beauty. Truly. Thank you.

I love the screencap they chose on this- that cute little boy with his gorgeous curls, having a look like "WTF Grownups? Get over it already. There's nothing wrong with interracial couples, man!"

Oh MoGlo, your utter and complete disdain for this mess totally reflects my feeling this morning. Brilliant, as always.

I good rule I saw someone say on Jez the other day- it's less creepy if you compliment something the person CHOSE, like outfit, hair color, etc. That's perfectly fine. As long as you don't say it in a creepy way, of course.

This. My favorite episodes are when the women are front and center. And I love the complexity of the Amy/Sheldon relationship. The show runners allow the characters to change, and that's nice. Plus, Melissa Rauch cracks me up. Love her delivery, mousy voice and all.

Aw man, as if I wasn't loving her enough. Now I'm teary eyed.

You are doing God's work, my friend. Bless you.

This young woman has more bravery in her little pinky than I have anywhere in my body. She is bad ass.

And you know what, I'm ok with that. She hasn't done anything to her face that makes her look unnatural, or not like Helen Mirren. And it's her job to be gorgeous. And she can afford it. And she is frackin' radiant. And I may have a girl crush on her. *sigh*


Well, do you blame 'em? I find the older I get the less I have tolerance for dumbassery in general. Especially internet dumbassery over what type of genitals I happen to have.

I just watched this like 5 times. Thank you for reminding me of why I fucking love Carl Sagan.

I agree. I love JLo with darker hair and the gently wavy locks. Gorgeous.

Um, you are correct. Joan Jett is bad. ass. And the best sweaters are Cosby sweaters. Send that man to 80's remedial class!

What a great photo project. It is fascinating that all of these different body types are top tier Olympic athletes. The human body is cool.

Wow. Rock on indeed, bad ass golfer.

Indeed, it is. He was also Officer Dangle on Reno 911.

Congratulations! That is just a whole lot of awesome. And you, by the way, have a wicked cute haircut.