
Cool. Thanks for the tip!

I want your flower jewelry. Seriously. LOVE FLOWER JEWELRY.

Indeed. There are not enough gifs to express how vile this person is.

DID YOUR MOM KNOW HIM??? That is the most fabulous thing ever. Tell me more stories, please!!!

Unfortunately, no matter how much Drag Race or George Takei I watch, I seem to still be straight. I WANT MY TOASTER OVEN DAMMIT.

I think the rapist "cleaned her up" before police arrived. So when they tried to do a rape kit, there was no evidence left as far as bodily fluids.

I don't get the little boys with long hair is bad thing at all. Don't they see that little boys with long hair are so cute! The long, shaggy bowl cut? The little surfer boy halo of sloppy curls? They look like little rocker boys and are ADORABLE. That anyone would berate a parent on the FRIGGIN APPEARANCE of their

George Takei always makes me happy. He is a damn national treasure.

WARNING: over-consuming alcohol may cause you to engage in philosophical debates, and pretend like you are actually paying attention for a good 20 minutes, then jump up in the middle of the table after someone made some salient point and yell I'M KING OF THE WORLD, MOTHA FUCKAS! and then run off to stare at wallpaper.

Unfortunately, I think that is part of the thrill for them. *shudder*

HA! This is my favorite response ever. I must steal this. Bonus points for confusing their small little minds AND shutting them up.

KEEP IT!!! I love the costume jewelry I have from my grandmothers and great grandmothers and various other relatives. I hardly ever wear it. But I love just looking at it. It will bring you much more emotional happiness than the money will bring you.

Fuck that asshole. You did a brave thing, taking a chance. Don't let it sour you to taking another chance. It was HIM. Because he is obviously an asshole that has no taste. You are obviously fablulous, just by your taste in gifs alone.

That is just awesome that all of you got a doozer tatoo. What a lovely tribute.

Oh, honey, I am so sorry for your loss. I know it does not seem like it, but time will ease the pain. You won't ever get over it (it's been 8 years since my mom died, and I still miss her every day), but you will get used to it. Hang in there. And do whatever you need to. Ranting on the internet is not a failing at

I know several fat vegetarians. Maybe you don't know enough vegetarians.

Oh my god. That makes me want to learn crochet. Because I must have this.

Weird Al is one of the few celebrities I actually wrote a fan letter to when I was little. I had the response- an awesome brochure about his fan club "Close Personal Friends of Al" on my bulletin board on my room pretty much all through my adolesence. I went to see him in concert for the first time as an adult, one

I'm with you there. the Mr. and I have been doing similar things- working out together, adding more fish and lean veggies to our diet, yada yada. And it feels like NOTHING ABOUT MY BODY HAS GOTTEN BETTER. What I have to remember is that it is a marathon, not a sprint. I know it doesn't seem like it, but the healthy

No doubt. Michael Douglas also looks like he is killing it. Can't wait to have some time to watch this!