
He was the rival to Wayne for Tia Carrerra's affections. I may have watched that movie a lot in my youth.

I still haven't watched it yet, but I am looking forward to it if Rob Lowe give a breakout performance. I love me some Robe Lowe as a character actor. Ever since Wayne's World, I prefer his comedy immensely. The stills alone make me curious to see his performance.

Oh! Thanks for explaining that! I couldn't figure out why I was fat. People just need to hate me more! Thanks!

Sometimes it's both! You know the "modern woman" - she's a multitasker!

I find it hard to believe that anyone would say those are all, uniformly, easy arguments for maintaining life at all costs. Would you really want to live past when living was enjoyable at all?

AWWW!!!! Your friend and hubs sound awesome. I would tell a birthday story, but my hubs just arrived with my chicken chimmichanga and I am starving, so I just wanted to tell you your story is adorable and gave me the feels.

I actually heard this report this morning, and while, yes, the mentioning of the "hottest member" was a bit rage inducing, when I first heard her actual voice on the piece, the first thing I thought was "She is going to have problems running for president with that speaking voice." Mind you, it is totally superficial

Goddamn! I was born in the wrong fucking country, then.

By thee end of this comment, I was hearing Kathy Griffin's imitation of her mom. Jesus CHRIST, Kathleen!

YES THIS! The amonut of money you have has, like, no relation to how virtuous a person you are. But I find myself making that fallacy ALL THE TIME. WTF?

Indeed. I find this is true. I work with all types of people, and I have to fucking interpret what they are saying all the time. You have to pay attention to what they are actually fucking telling you, not what words necessarily they are choosing to use. Plus, I love swearing. There are some things that just warrant

I can do nothing but read the title card before I can yell FUCK YEAH!!!! I shall now go back and read your thread. Because I love swearing so muthafucking much. SO GODDAMN MUCH!!!!!!!

Sexuality and gender expression are both *so* a spectrum. And people's prefences for either can change throughout their lifetimes. I was very much a tomboy growing up, and really throughout my 20's. In my 30's, I started wearing more skirts, and GASP! actually wearing pink. A lot. I'm kinda sliding back to less girly

Excellent. That is the most coherent version of this I have seen. I love the internet, except when I hate the internet because good lord people like to be long winded. Throw in a beloved fantasy series, and woo doggey WALL OF TEXT.

Lyanna is Ned's sister, and Rhaegar is not the mad king, is he? (So obvious I am not a book reader).

"This stereotyping of queer people limits straight people too, ironically."

Right? The Pit Crew on RPDR can be manly all they want. I don't care what gender they want to bone. Just keep little clothes as possible, please. Thank you.

UGH. As a hetero woman, may I say WTF to those people? Seriously? I mean, I don't exactly lead a fast paced life, but even in my boring sububan corporate existence, I meet butch hetero women, macho gay men, and both gay and straight people who LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE and BE WHO THEY ARE all the time. Heck, I hardly ever

That is exactly as I took it as well. Gayness does not equal being stereotypically "feminine" (for boys) or "butch" (for girls). In my experience, I have met gay and straight people who are all over the gender expression continum. And heck, I'm from the totally bass-ackwards Southeast.

There is a popular fan theory that Jon Snow is NOT Ned Stark's son. He is actually the son of Ned's sister and one of the Targeryans (maybe the Mad King?). When she was killed, Ned took the boy as his own to protect him from Robert, since Ned's sister was Robert's lady and all.