
Oh I know. Growing up we had an indoor/outdoor cat that we dubbed "The Mole Patrol" because he would bring back little mole carcasses and plop them on the back stoop. Really, more of moles. We didn't have any moles, though!

foxes are so cute, indeed!! I fear for their safety in our neighborhood though. We've got enough people who are lackadaisical about leashing their dogs that I'm afraid foxes would get chased out pretty quick. I wonder if there is some sort of owl house that we could put up to attract owls, like a bat house?

Actually I have two indoor cats, but they are declawed, and pretty lackadaisical killers. Anytime some sort of bug manages to get inside (or somehow they manage to get their paws on an actual prey animal like a bird) they play with it, but never actually kill it.

The sad thing is there are outdoor cats in our neighborhood. They come up to the screened in porch at night to taunt my indoor kitties. They must be crap hunters though. Or they don't like the taste of rabbit.

Right? I'm in the southeast, and we are stinking covered in wild rabbits around here.

Can I get some owls to get rid of the rabbits under our shed? I mean, they're cute. But they're friggin' fat and lazy for wild rabbits. They are very definitely wild cotton-tail in ancestry, but they act like friggin' cats or something. If you come upon one, it briefly glances up at you, gives you the Blanche

HA! No wonder her pregnancy wardrobe has been lacking. She just needed to get more nekkid. If I looked like that when I was 7 months along, I would've worn bikinis everywhere- man, it was a HOT summer too, so it would've been so much more comfortable.

For sure. I wouldn't kick him out of bed for being wild. Get it, gurl.

Ooh, I didn't even think of that. I like this theory.

So hope Jinkx wins. LUV HUH.

THIS. Men can be just as moody, catty, jealous, and emotional as women. These are feelings that PEOPLE have. Y'know, cause women are people? Geez!

Fascinating. The first link has some striking graphs showing the huge spike. Plus this picture, which someone needs to caption, like, immediately.

Ooohh perfect! Thanks!

YES! This whole fight is, no lie, one of my favorite scenes of all time. OF ALL TIME. The squish with the shovel! The handle through her hole! So good. and Bruce Willis was HILARIOUS playing against type. And Friggin' MERYL STREEP and GOLDIE HAWN were shutting it DOWN! I just cannot express enough how much I love this

God I love this movie SO MUCH. Their undead fight is MAGIC. And when Jinkx Monsoon quoted it when they did the putting on makeup in the dark challenge ("Where did we park the car?" LUV HUH.

Why are there so many? Landlubber here. I'm in Tennessee, so I know not your ocean ways.

McKayla Maroney, I feel you there. because I do the same thing, like, pretty much every day.

WORD. If I was making like 6 figures, maybe I'd pound out the 10 hour days. But it doesn't matter how hard I work, my salary is only going up in tiny increments. So I leave generally on time, because that shit ain't worth giving up my only free time in the day.

Erykah Badu and Janelle Monae are like a pairing that, once you hear they did something together, you're like WHY DIDN'T THEY DO IT SOONER! Holy crap they should do like a whole album of crazy funk grooves and ridiculously fabulous videos.

WOAH Ann Curry is 56???? Indeed, her skincare regimen/genes/plastic surgeon/goat sacrifices seem to be doing their job. I had no idea.