This whole thread is hilarious and awesome. TREAT YO SELF LADIES!
This whole thread is hilarious and awesome. TREAT YO SELF LADIES!
I remember it as a cantalouple, but I quote that ALL THE TIME. Because it is SO TRUE. Think about it- people plan whole vacations around seeing cities/places that were in movies or TV shows.
It's the perfect bangs that kills me. They MUST be fake? How can they be so perfect???
Are you my husband? Because we have been going through almost EXACTLY the same thing. His mom died last year after a long, drawn out illness, he was the only brother to step up to help take care of her, WHILE finishing his bachelors as a non-traditonal student and helping to raise our 5 year old. He ended up…
Right? I hope she sends her plastic surgeon a really nice Christmas gift. She's obviously had work done, but not OBVIOUSLY. And her ARMS- those are all hard work and push ups. She could totally take me in a fight.
I have no idea what animal this is, but I want one.
As he should- she looks bangin'. Rock on Mary, you look fab!
Don't ever apologize for posting a picture of cats eating ice cream.
This sounds delicious. Naan as pizza crust is friggin' genius.
That is the problem I have with doing any sort of calorie counting. I am HORRIBLE at remembering to enter in what I eat. I usually last like a day and a half, and then I start forgetting to do it. And trying to figure out what to put in for homemade stuff (or really, stuff from restaurants) is hard.
God they are just so pretty. I forgot how awesome they looked at their wedding.
True fact- when we lived in an apartment, my husband and I got the cops called on us TWICE for loud noises during sex. Both nights, by the way, were weekend nights before 11 pm. I blame the uptight downstairs neighbors, and our cheap ass bed frame.
You take back that insult about spray cheese! It has flavor! Totally artificial flavor, but flavor nonetheless. Diet cheese isn't fit to wipe spray cheese's ASS.
Yes! The floaty comment box is different. I kinda like it. And I've been commenting more. BECAUSE I CAN COMMENT ON MY IPHONE. Fuck yeah.
That is brilliant, and I must learn how to throw my voice to do this immediately.
T Swift- she is literally wearing armor. And rocking the SHIT out of it. Own that stone cold bitch rep.
That picture made me make the "GAH!" noise like Cathy. She looks like she has the hair from the Lego Friends line. You know, the controversial "girl" legos? GAH!
Oh this is a perfect specimen. This is the often copied "wild man feather crown". Bonus points for resemblance to a lion.
Please, feel free. I believe Mr. Ebert would approve. As a person who passionately loves some truly horrible films, I so appreciated that he not only admitted to the bad movies that he loved, he usually defended his opinion in a classy, funny, and intellectual way. You are totally right- he adored movies, and he…