
I remember that! So awesome.

I cannot state it any better than you did. Roger Ebert clearly was a movie fan, and that is one of the things that came through in his writing, and his reviews. As a fellow movie fan, I appreciated that he never lost his love of movies.

Oh yes, this white girl has beef with how he treated Martha as well. He didn't deserve her!

Exactly what I was trying to say. But you said it better.

Exactly. I think the thing that keeps the show from being anti-woman is that here are these women, and the show clearly shows their point of view, and treats their struggles just as seriously as the men who are main characters.

Preach. I just came to this conclusion recently. Varys is the BOSS.

This is a thing of beauty.

Not creepy! I love getting handmade gifts, and the handmade blankets and stuff we got for my daughter were awesome. If anyone knows a crafter, they know that pretty much every gift you get from them is something they made, because they have tons of stuff they made. So gift away. And DO make the monkey hat.

I've been struggling with this as well. I am overweight, and I somehow gained 10 pounds over the last 6 months (holidays, I'm giving you the side-eye), and I've just been feeling awful about myself. But I'm trying to change the internal tape in my brain, because feeling bad about myself never makes me lose weight. And

Did you KNOW- India, the country, is in the continent of Asia! Wow!

That is a sandwich I would participate in.

I laughed... because it's true. Damn you South, why you make it so hard to be a Southerner?

AAHAHAHAH OH if I could only tell anyone wearing socks with sandals YOU HURT MY FEELINGS. That ish is not acceptable in public. But people wear them anyway. WHY?

Brains are so cool. I had to think for a second to figure out how that could confuse a person. I came up with the sign describing the ROOM beyond the door (Do Not Enter) vs. describing the door itself (Do Not Exit). Right? Because sometimes, you do need to be that specific.

LOL! Funny, but also sad because it is so funny/sad when men don't THINK of these things. I can remember the look of confusion on some of my male friends' faces when I refused to go anywhere that would result in me walking home alone. Seriously, dude? I have to explain the horrible things that could happen to me?

Thank you for sharing. I would like to kick rape in the balls. IN THE BALLS, SIR. A sincere "Hope you die a slow, agonizing death" to all people who are rapists.

I kinda want to have another baby now just to do this. Well played.

OH YES. One of the perks of having a kid is the totally ridiculous things you can dress them in as babies. Babies in big hats! Sunglasses! Filthy sayings on tshirts! My proudest moment of my maternity leave was putting an empty beer bottle beside my sweet angel as she slept passed out on the couch and taking a picture

Can I hang out in your office?

Right? We R Who We R is like my JAM. It makes by butt wiggle. That sounded...dirtier than I meant.