
I've decided I'm pro-Kesha (except for the dollar sign. It takes me 3 tries to spell with the dollar sign, and I'm lazy). Her songs are fun, she had James Van Der Beek's head mounted in her "Blow" video, which was friggin' hilarious. And dressing up in the Dumb and Dumber tuxes with her little brother?? Love it. I

Have some kids- that'll cure ya! My 5 year old alarm clock gets me out of bed by 7 on the weekends now, whether I'm ready or not.

Fascinating. And not at all surprising.

WORD. If someone who disagrees with me is actually willing to have a dialogue, that's fine. But if you really just want to browbeat me over the head with your opionion, no thank you.

Aw, your boyfriend sounds like a keeper. That's awesome.

In a word, yes. It makes white people very uncomfortable to acknowledge the institutional racism that still exists in America. (Disclosure: I am a white person). No one wants to be the bad guy in the story, and it makes white people very uncomfortable to realize that, whether they are actively racist or not in their

Can I just say AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. So glad you got out of that craphole's grasp and now have a relationship that works! Your new man sounds awesome. Go you!

OH hell no. It sounds like he learned his fighting style from his mom. His mom's fighting style is NOT normal and NOT healthy. You do NOT save up the most horrible things you can think about someone for when you are fighting in order to use them as weapons. That is not healthy. For what it's worth, I think you need to

Like being surrounded by all boys is going to make teenage boys LESS horny?? Or teenage girls LESS boy-crazy?

YES MY PEOPLE! I just recently got into Game of Thrones via my husband (Asked for season one on Blu Ray, I started watching, and BOOM I'm hooked). Knowing there was this vast well of knowledge about the characters and the world and the plot and the fact that THERE ARE ALREADY 5 BOOKS, I started devouring wikis and

AWWW. This whole exchange is so nice. Seeing people be courteous on the internet gives me the feels. (And Twilight does totally suck. But that's just my opinion. Not that there's anything wrong with liking sucky things- I secretly have more Maroon 5 songs on my ipod than I'm willing to admit, even anonymously on the

Oh the Tshirts would be EPIC. Like, a machine gun (shaped like an IUD, natch) atop a hummer or something? Please for all that is holy, someone draw that.

OH GAWD that would be perfect. Enough work so that I don't get bored, but not enough that it eats into my loungin' time. I would have time to work out without FORCING MYSELF. Which is a battle I don't win often. I BLAME CUBICLES FOR THE OBESITY CRISIS.

GUUUURL, wait till you're staring down the barrel of 40. I'm 38, and actual teenagers look FETAL to me sometimes. True story- the early school buses in my neighborhood pick up the high schoolers, and then the next round pick up the middle schoolers. It depends on how with it I am in the morning if I see the high

I LOVE THAT AD. Because if you have kids, you probably have a gross poop story. God and I can't think of one particular one. I definitely remember the one, and only, time my daughter pooped while taking a bath. She was like, 3 and a half? I had to sterilize ALL THE THINGS. Then myself. Ugh. Thank goodness she hated it

OK, Toto's Africa is a good song. But you HAVE to watch the 3 Michael McDonalds' singing Row Row Row Your Boat. That shit is hilarious. I LOVE WHEN FAMOUS PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF THEMSELVES. Michael McDonald has been the bomb in my eyes ever since Yacht Rock.

"Equal Pay for Equal Work" is not about maternity leave. It is about two people, who do the same job, equally well, and the one with the vagina makes 30% less than the one with the vagina. And your company is overly generous with the paid leave. I have never worked in a place with paid maternity leave. That means your

Because if your wife had a baby, you would be entitled to the same deal. Without pushing a human out of your privates.

Just piping in to say my husband keeps his nails on his right hand a little long so he can finger pick the guitar. Although he does not rock a bad ass mani ever-it would totally chip. So, really, that's probably not why AJ keeps his nails long.

Me too! I thought the same thing you did.