Indeed, thanks for the recomendation. I think you mentioned it upthread (or in another reply on this article) and I am checking it out!
Indeed, thanks for the recomendation. I think you mentioned it upthread (or in another reply on this article) and I am checking it out!
THIS. I hate cleaning, but I want a reasonably clean house. Oh, and I work FT, have a 5 year old, and my husband is about to start grad school. I don't want my only hobby to be cleaning (or working out, but that's another rant). I literally would get nothing else done or have any fun ever if I kept my house as clean…
Oh, it was a magical day when I realized I could actually say it to my daughter, "Honey, mommy is talking, please wait till I'm done." Not that I was afraid to, but it just...never occured to me? Sometimes her level of understanding is above where I think it is. Scratch that, a LOT of times I underestimate her read of…
This gif is glorious. Happy dances are the best.
I actually went back to watch to the end when I saw your comment. She does say that! LUV HUH!
I'm 38 and I don't look that gorgeous. Tina is, and always will be, THE SHIT.
As a very new fan via the show, I have never read the books. And I am loving all of the spoilers and speculation for some reason. I can't get enough. So tell me- what changes were mades between the books and the show??? I think we are about to watch episode 7? or 8? Dany has not gone to the House of the Undying yet.…
THANK YOU. That was not only NOT a mean joke, but self depreciating to boot.
WORD. It is amazing how much of the stuff I think I "should" be doing is really because I am worried about being judged by others. Which is DUMB. But then I worry about my daughter, and what if her friends' parents judge me harshly and decide my kid can't be friends with their kids. Typing it out, I'm thinking it…
Thank you- I am starting to feel better. It always amazing that coming out of a depressive episode most of the shit I say is making me depressed is usually of my own making or being made worse by me. We are our own worst enemies for sure.
I have nothing to add to this message but an avatar. Biography! (Damn, wrong movie)
Indeed. Not only was that an impressive explanation, she finally explained to me why the Vanessa Williams I was familar with was never on Melrose Place even though the credits kept promising her.
You are all my people. I am 38, and I have been having like a midlife crisis or something. I have been struggling a bit with living with the choices I have made in my career and life. Figuring out what things I can change about my life to make it better, without getting rid of stuff and people I still want around. No,…
Oh yes, a lot of the bad vibes people are throwing your way is totally jealously. And also a punishment, to you, for not following society's script like they did. Enforcing the social order through shaming, as it were. BTW, I'm totally 38, and married, with kid, and settled down. And I know that a lot of the feelings…
Fun story time about my mini me! My daughter is 5, and just lost her first tooth last month. It had been wiggly for weeks, so we knew it was coming out eventually. About an hour after she went to bed, she came back out of her room and told me and her daddy "My tooth feels WEIRD!" My husband looked in her mouth, and…
HA! Love it.
Oh my god. Imagine an army of monkeys equiped with monkey turd shooting evolution guns? That's some evil-genius level taking over the world shit right there.
And what kind of ammunition does evolution use? DNA bullets? Viruses?
OH GOD YES. I was SUPPOSED to go out to dinner with some awesome women from work, but instead I spent it forcing my daughter to write, then practice, a presentation that is due tomorrow that neither I nor my husband knew about. The serious YOU NEED TO TELL US WHEN HOMEWORK IS DUE FIRST TIME YOU FIND OUT ABOUT IT…