OMG THAT IS WHAT THEY CALL CUNNILINGUS??? Now I have to read the books.
OMG THAT IS WHAT THEY CALL CUNNILINGUS??? Now I have to read the books.
I gave my husband GoT season 1 for Christmas, partly so I could find out what all the buzz was about. That scene, and the gif you have brought here, could play on infinite loop forever as far as I'm concerned. There aren't enough slaps in the world for Geoffrey's face.
LOL oh she is more than fine. She is smart as a whip. I fear for the teenage years- hopefully we are harnessing her big brain for good and not evil. Definitely don't tell me what I'm in for- I find it's best that way. :)
Word to you and Jennifer A.'s response too. I breastfed my now five year old daughter for 3 agonizing, blurry weeks. She would fall asleep mid feed, plus I wasn't producing enough, and after one week of the hellish Feed-pump-wash all pump parts-start all over in another 2 hours, I chose sanity and every other night of…
Oh that is beautiful.
Congrats, good luck, and it's almost over!!!
I wish I was more hungover, but I had to drive home from the party last night and I ended up leaving before midnight because I've been sick this week anyway so I really didn't feel like getting drunk. So all you young 'uns that could party on, drink some Gatorade and take it easy. Glad you could have more fun than me…
Get well soon, HRC! I've liked her from the '92 campaign on, and some time last year I realized that she kinda reminds me of my mom. Except way more powerful. Kick that blood clot's ass, Hillary.
I think you're on to something. Like have a magnetic field on the outside of the ship to deflect the radiation.
That is one of the best moments ever put on film. Seriously. When I talk about something I hate so much, I automatically talk about flames on the side of my face. Madeline Khan 4EVAH!
Context: I'm in my late 30's, been married for 9 1/2 years. I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Facebook was not a Thing when I was dating. Mind you, if somehow I ended up single now, I think I would either leave it as "single" unless me and the new S.O made it official, or just not show it at all, it would be…
I think you might be on to something there. Like "Cali" is short for California, but of course since this is a Kardashian spawn, they will change it to "Kali". Plus isn't that also a Hindu goddess of like destruction or something? Sounds about perfect.
Bravo, kind sir/madam.
As well you should. I started watching TNG for the cute boy from "Stand By Me", and stayed for the HOT BRITISH BALD GUY. I had a huge door size poster of Captian Picard that was on my wall through high school, and came with me to college, always staring down at me, promting me to "Make it so." True story.
There was once a pretty big snapping turtle crossing the road in my neighborhood - I'd say his shell was maybe 8 to 9 inches in diameter- when I was in high school. We tried to pick him up and promptly forgot that plan when the fucker turned around and tried to bite our fingers off every time we tried to pick him up.…
ELOPE DUDE. Totally. Your family can have a party/reception thing later if they insist, but it is your wedding. If the wedding is going to cause more stress than happiness to get all of the family/friends together, then don't do the big wedding thing.
YES. Youth is truly wasted on the young. I need that boundless energy NOW to work 10 hour days and get my kindergartner up and to school and look after the house while my husband goes to school full time. But NOOOO. What did I use all of that energy on in my youth? Making friendship bracelets and watching black and…
Oh god yes this is my secret shame. I totally would bang him and kick him out of bed and tell him to sneak out the back door before someone sees. And I may have some Maroon 5 songs that I hate-listen to on my ipod too. Frequently. SHAME.
This gif perfectly expresses my feelings right now. Thank you.
It's like Catlin read my mind. I was just thinking what she would have to say about this and talking to it to your children. Not only do I have a massive girl-crush on her (seriously I covet her bangs), but watching her videos has really helped me process a lot of feelings I've had this year about close family members…