
We've been dealing with this type of thing too with my very precotious 5 year old daughter. Her nana (my husband's mom) died in February from a long illness, and it has been challenging trying to explain death to her (both my hubs and I are atheists) without falling back on the religious tropes. Plus apparently her

Oh that was a lovely blast from my past. So silly, so funny.

That is one stinkin' cute baby. Love the little sprig of red hair! Indeed, her fat rolls are totally nomable. The wrist roll- I DIE!

Oh yes, if I had a better time being pregnant, it would be a different deal. And, preschoolers don't have nothing on my kindergartner. She is friggin' SASS personified right now. It's like battling with a 13 year old, except she's 5. Our own fault for making a smart kid, I guess. Oh do I miss the baby stage now. Yes

One can only hope. Hats off to you for doing it again. I like the *idea* of having another, but the financial reality and the fact that I pretty much HATED EVERY SECOND of pregnancy makes it much more likely we will just stay with one. Of course, right now I'm home from work with a wicked sinus infection, so the

Aw, that stinks about your hair this go round. I have only squeezed out one baby thus far, and one of the few, FEW perks of pregnancy was my lucious, thick hair and my fabulous nails. There are so few perks to being pregnant, they shouldn't take them away willy-nilly! Stupid hormones.

I just had a thought- her hair is already so thick and gorgeous and shiny- are we mere mortals going to be able to look upon her hair as the pregnancy hormones make it even shinier and thicker and more lustrous? Also, they may be able to use her hair for super-thin rope or something, because her hair is going to be

i love that video so much. too funny and adorable.

My problem is that now it is so hard to tell. Just like walking alone in a dark parking lot and some dude says something sketchy to you. I ain't sticking around to find out.

"anything predatory or threatening isn't, nor shouldn't, be legally tolerated. "

I need to check this book out, because that sounds like it's right up my alley.

This video is just all kinds of awesome. Well done, young master. I am impressed with your cat wrangling skills.

Word on the street is you're a jerk!

YES THEY ARE. I love everything about this announcement, but the pic just kills me. SO ADORABLE!!

Oh I remember that store. It was dumb. I'm glad I can stop being that ourtraged at claires.

GAH!!! How does his earlobe take the strain? Rats are...not small animals. I'm surprised the ear lobe can support that kind of weight.

They sell shot glasses at Claires??? I am officially a grumpy old lady. Kids today grumble grumble...

OH god yes. Any movie with kids getting hurt now is just... I can't stand it. I can't watch the local news now, because there is always a story about missing/injured/dead kids. My lil' one is 5, and it really is a whole other level of anxiety and fear thinking about something happening to her.

Oh yes. Everyone will think Christina and Jennifer are grandma names. And everyone will have a grandma Christina or Jennifer.

We are twins!!! I'm doing the same thing. I had not thought to do that to my thrift store blue jacket. I may totally steal that idea from you. Are you wearing a bow tie? I want to wear a bow tie so bad, but it's like frickin' impossible to find one. No one sells bow ties, apparently.