Oh yes. It still amazes me how much my daughter, who is now 5, will remember and pick up. I'm glad I defaulted to explaining things to her when she was a baby, because I'm kinda already in the habit now that she asks a million "Why??"s about stuff.
Oh yes. It still amazes me how much my daughter, who is now 5, will remember and pick up. I'm glad I defaulted to explaining things to her when she was a baby, because I'm kinda already in the habit now that she asks a million "Why??"s about stuff.
That is very depressing. But depressingly unsuprising.
OOOOHH have you had any of the V8 splash juices? They are lovely with a lil' vodka. Also good with spiced rum.
Private enterprise nipples, of course.
If only.
Like Tennessee Tea Cakes. Google it. You're welcome.
OMG you just explained why that character was so scary to me. Like I totally pictured her pulling out a shiv and gutting Kira. You just blew my mind a little.
He looks...smoother than normal.
Any odds on how long it takes the Mr. to get annoyed at me for talking back at the TV like I'm a robot at the right corner of the screen. I LOVE MAKING FUN OF THIS SHIT.
It's more reliable than "could've had a V8." You should've ALWAYS had some vodka.
I second that. This is genius. I am implementing it immediately.
Bravo sir or madam!
Yeah these kids should get off my lawn!!!!
I don't remember this skit but I can totally picture it. Thank you for reminding me of this show- it was SO DAMN FUNNY. I talk about getting Girl Drink Drunk all the time.
Anything that mentions pastries and sex together automatically makes the world a better place. Well done. That just made me chortle.
YES! I know I would be healthier if I got exercise every day, but it is a struggle to fit in time to take a shower every day between work, kid, and household responsibilities. And yeah, at some point it's nice to spend time with my husband, or maybe my friends. Why does working in some physical activity have to be so…
Word. I heard of it before I saw the video and I was preloaded to HATE it. About 30 seconds in, I believe I was actually doing the dance. So much silly happiness. Cannot resist.
That is very well put. It is without a doubt the absolute hardest thing I have ever done, and also the most amazing. I made a motherfucking person. That is amazing.
This is brilliant and I am so stealing it.