
Honestly I can't even remember the insertion. I think I was still so sleep deprived with a newborn still that pretty much my daughter's first two months are a blur. And after labor and recovering from an unplanned c-section, I barely remember insertion being that painful. We shall see.

Would he rather have a person in there?

I have a Mirena which is non copper, and my periods actually stopped. SO AWESOME. No periods, no unplanned pregancies, reversible. Lasts 5 years. I will have to get it taken out this year, and I'm getting another one because did I mention NO PERIODS?? Mind you I don't think everyone experiences that side effect, YMMV,

Shaun White, please do not trash my city. Thank you.

This just made me ridiculously happy. I love Ben Folds and I love Fraggles.

OMG there was someone named Penny Moneypenny in my elementary school. And she was a redhead! Who would do that to a person?

I just can't believe they don't include that in the voting. That was my vote for sure. They made the frickin' statue WALK AND KICK EVIL DUDE'S ASS. How could that not be the clear winner???

Believe me, us women don't want to include it. But it is pretty much included for us, everywhere we go. Yes, including spaces you go to on the regular. Like workplaces. And schools. And cons. Yes, I mean everywhere. Not constantly, most of the time, but it happens at least once every place I go. Yes. Every place. And

I don't care if this story isn't true, I am going to pretend it is, because it is awesome.

My hats off to you and your husband, I can't even imagine how tough it is every day for both of you. Thank you for sharing, and I wish you both continued progress in his recovery.

NO MA'AM!! Oh you just brought back so many Al Bundy memories. Thank you.

Thank you for bringing that into my life. That was awesome. I love the little hearts over their shoulders.

OMG the Pie Maker is in The Hobbit??? First Peter Jackson makes the dwarves kinda hot, then Lee Pace??? I may need a few hours alone in my bunk after I see this movie.


Um, no?

Are you kidding? I don't even know what those are, and I am a science fan.

I have been screaming similar vulgarities whenever any election coverage manages to work its way into my ears or eyes. If I had an army of gifs at my disposal there would not be enough Madeline Khans saying, "Flames, on the side of my face...."

I apologize for using the other side's imprecise language. I always thought when "life" began was best summed up by George Carlin, (not an exact quote), That it started 4.5 billion years ago in a puddle of primordeal goo. Eggs and sperm are technically alive for a short time. If they join, that is fertilization, which

And that is why this line of thinking is at least, misguided, and at worst, harmful. What someone actually weighs is not the only indicator of health. Hell, it may not even be the primary indicator of health. But our whole society seems to be going down this OK to fat shame rabbit hole and it is bananas.

It's always the former fatties who are the worst fat shamers I find. "I did it, why can't YOUUUUUU????"