
Personally, I don't talk politics at work because I got tired of discovering people I like otherwise are crazy liberal-hatin' Dittoheads. Ugh.

Here's what I don't get. (OK, understatement. Here's ONE OF THE MANY things I don't get about pro-lifers) The anti-abortion personhood crew say life begins at conception (which is false according to actual medical science), yet they want to believe the science when some forms of birth control work by prevent a

THANK YOU for being a totally awesome parent. It drives me nuts when people don't explain things to their kids because it's too complicated/hard/uncomfortable for THEM, the parents. Me feeling weird talking to my daughter about where babies come from ain't gonna stop her from wanting to know, or finding out for that

I think this bit resonates with me: "You cannot will your blood sugar to level off if your organs don't cooperate, but the one thing you can take charge of (debates on the nature of free will notwithstanding) is what you decide. I can admit I'm broken. I can't admit that I'm incapable of fixing it and even if I could,

HELL YES GIRL. Masturbation is the gift that keeps on giving!


Oh yes I so identify there. My husband is in school FT and so I am basically the breadwinner, and we do OK, but we are one major illness away from financial disaster because we don't have a lot of savings. If we brought in 6 figures between the two of us, I would feel like Scrooge McDuck swimming in money. We could

I definitely understand where you are coming from. But I think that she is coming to the girls where they are at, not where we would like them to be. I probably wouldn't have liked a girly math book, but I know plenty of girls who would. I think getting the girls to take interest in the STEM classes and fields is in

A reasonable assumption, obviously.

As they should be. There is a reason sleep deprivation is a very effective torture technique. It fucks your shit up. Babies are, therefore, TORTURERS.

I have no stories like that- by the time I was in school no one overtly made fun of my left handedness. I worked for a guy who was in his late 60's and Austrailian, though, and he was a left hander, but in school they forced him to learn writing right handed, so he had this awful right handed chicken scratch. He did

OH MY GOD THE PANCAKES! They are so fabulous. And absorb the optimum amount of syrup.

If you liked the first one, you will LOVE the rest. The second one is one of my favorite books ever.


I was a huge Clarke fan in college, and this one one of the failings of his writings. And also why I loved the Rama series so much- the addition of Gentry Lee make some truly awesome characters match up to the world building.

I am not British, but I totally agree. I saw so many things that I love about Britain, and why I watch an ungodly amount of BBC America. During the modern segment when they were playing all of the pop music from the last 40 years, I kept going "Wait, I forgot they were British! Damn!" The opening ceremony was crazy

That gif is a beautiful thing.

That is the most plausible theory I have heard on Janet's involvement. Super Sleuth medal to you!

My husband just came up with the cutest thing: the best of the best of the cross-dressed. Yes I know they are drag queens, not cross dressers. But the best of the best of the drag queens doesn't rhyme. SO EXCITED to see this coming up. OMFG indeed Dodai!!!!!