
Obviously you need to be in marketing, because if things targeted to women came with a vibrator and a bottle of wine, I would buy the shit out of whatever you are selling.

YES OH YES SHE HAS BUTTONS FOR EYES. Her eyes are so dead.

OMG that sounds delightful! I hope you get to go in the nocturnal house!

Are you my daughter? Ever since I suggested to my daughter to wear two different color shoes at the same time, she's been deliberately mis-matching her socks.

This list is just ridiculously delightful. I love the internet.

I think it is because of the awareness everyone has of the tenuous economic times we are in. At least I do. And it boggles my mind that the professional PR people that Ralph Lauren or the Olympics surey employ did not jump all over USA made uniforms as a big PR selling point. C'mon! Good looking athletes in AMERICAN!

SO much this. I just don't discuss politics with anyone who still has a Palin sticker on their car, listens to any talk radio (NPR is exempt, natch), or ever uses the phrase "gay agenda". Unless I've been drinking, I just purse my lips in disapproval, then say "excuse me" and get the fuck outta there.

Oh Jezzies, I am having a White Russian in the first time in FOREVER, my kiddo is going to bed early tonight because we went to a birthday party so no nap, and hubs is down for the count with medicine head from pain meds (he broke his toe). By 7:45, I am going to be ALONE. Oh sweet, sweet 7 lb. 5 oz. Baby Jesus, when

And every IRL couple I know who had a boy let the man take the lead. So anecdotal evedince is...anecdotal.

That is in fact how most couples I know divide it. Dad has the final word on circumcision, mom on breastfeeding. Since they are most familiar with the parts in question.

Ding ding ding! You are correct. Part of higher costs for healthcare procedures is covering the losses at for-profit hospitals for idigent care.

Where is that pic of bender squinting his eyes and saying "Can't tell if trolling... or stupid?" If I had it, I would insert it here.

These are AWESOME! I may have to get the beer labels for my home brewing brother in law. He is not a huge LOTR fan. But I am. So he can just make some beer for me. :) Win-win.

I am with you. I don't get the Perry hate. Her songs are catchy, she looks like a piece of anime candy. She squirted whipped cream out of her boobs, people! How can you not kinda love that kind of absurdity?

Hugs to all of the Jezzies with asshole parent issues. I should never be surprised at grown-ass adults' abilty to be absolute monsters to their childen, who they are supposed to protect above all others. But I always am. You are the grown up people! You are not supposed to act like a spoiled child!!

That GIF is perfection.

And more lesbian sex. Win/win!

Hearted because BIG YOGURT made me inhale Diet Dr. Pepper into my nose a litte. STOP THE BIG YOGURT AGENDA!

Shut the front door, I did not notice the leopard-print mules the first time. LOVE THEM.

Fair enough. But that sounds like a selfish asshole problem, not a woman problem. (note- you are not the selfish asshole in this scenario. Wannabe Lucille Bluths are the assholes.)