Do you have kids? I love my daughter more than the fires of a thousand suns, but if I could afford a nanny I would have one in a muthafuckin' heartbeat.
Do you have kids? I love my daughter more than the fires of a thousand suns, but if I could afford a nanny I would have one in a muthafuckin' heartbeat.
It's like the meta-rant, or the rant that most other rants are usually saying, one way or another. Indeed.
Inceptioning yourself inside a ladymag's embarassing story page would be like the seventh circle of hell. But bloodier.
Oh yes, the shadenfreude is delicious. Hearted my baby faced sister!
As an old (i'm staring down the barrel of 38), I am here to tell you- you do love being baby faced when you're older. I am complimented when I get carded. And I LOVE when people think my younger sister is older than me now. I usually don't correct them. She always does.
Wow this is black-heart cynical stuff right there. My people, I have found you.
While I appreciate that the military owns your ass when you sign up, and there are all these crazy regulations you have to follow while in uniform, did all of the concern trolls saying this is inappropirate miss the part where the US Military endorsed and allowed these pictures? Which means the US MIlitary itself has…
I believe Theresa was being sarcastic.
OH DEAR GOD I LOVE THIS SONG. You are so hearted for reminding me of its existence. "Just be yourself. The cutest, quietest version of yourself. Definitely wear lip gloss."
OH MY GOD YES- it's like my four year old doesn't even notice a difference, and I'm in my head thinking- her mouth is too big for her face. That's not Marina!
I was too old for That's So Raven, but every time I see a tweet beat with her or hear a quote from her, she is always smart as a tack and takes no crap. Plus that gif is awesome.
It's the... position of the hands in relation to the cavity that is very...triggering.
OK that is cool, but a bit disturbing. And slightly Goatse.
Yeah, that was what I was trying to say. If I'm a bad feminist because Will Smith's comment didn't particularly bother me, and in fact I kinda understand the sentiment a bit being a parent now, then whatever.
I get that Will Smith's statement is problematic, but frankly, as the mother of a 4 year old daughter, I understand the sentiment. Being a woman, especially, I know that no matter how much feminist principles I instill in my daughter, I remember being 15 and the feeling of wanting to do anything in order to be noticed…
Thank you for the info. I did indeed google her and was quite confused. Damn, girl, lifting whole sections of dialoge from TV shows? That is shady.
I'm guessing i need to google Cassandra Claire?
I don't know why that thought never occured to me, but now I instantly cannot live another minute without this happening.
Imma let you finish about a pit of dogs, but teaching your baby to fight bears is the best parenting technique of all time! OF ALL TIME!
As you should.