
Agreed on Batman Returns and Dangerous Liasons. One of my favorites of her recent work is Stardust. Totally underrated Neil Gaiman adaptation, and Michelle plays the evil witch, natch. She was delightfully evil. Michelle has always been one of those actresses that I just like, I have no idea why. She has all the

Wait, what? This is a thing? WHAT THE EVER LOVING CHRIST. What part of the definition of "slavery" do you not understand?

Hearts to you and to @cantfindwalo. You two just articulated something that has been driving me nuts but I didn't know how to define. I see this in the microcosim at my office- things would be so much easier if departments and teams shared information more freely and worked together for mutual solutions, but instead

I fully endorse this theory and want to give you grant money to prove it is true.

I would watch the shit out of that.

PREACH! This is such a sweet story. With all those kids they have a built in support system. Hopefully of course! (I'm so cynical I have to hedge my bets when I make assumptions about things I know nothing about.

This whole exchange is both informative, and hilarious. Hearts to you all!

I think the issue is that the current judicial system and the current laws all still give advantage to men. That whole patriarchial culture thing. If it is he said-she said, usually the he said wins.


Me too. I am busy, and busy with stuff that occupies my mind most of my waking hours even if I am not at work or whatever. We all live in an easily distractable world these days. Making things as simple as possible for people will always result in more hits/attention/donations/likes/whatever.

Hey lesbian shitasses. I have 3 Killian's in me, have hit the weed a couple times. My 4 year old is about to go to bed. My husband is home. I want both of us to take a bath together. And then do dirrrrty, dirrrrty things. I accidentially added extra rrrrrs to the first dirty, and then I thought of Xtina, and assless

No advice. But a hat tip to you girl. GET THAT. HARD. That is awesome!!!!!

Dude, i assume you are in your late teens or 20's? I am staring down the barrell of 40. Let me tell you- there are MUCH WORSE THINGS to happen to you than public humiliation. I assure you. JUST DO IT. Go up and say "Hi my name is shaken.not.stirred. What's your name?" A decent guy will be grateful you made the first

That is some OWL level trickery there, madam. Well played.

OH GOD YES WHY??? Mine love tipping over any vessel of water that is not their bowl. Hell, they have a carbon-filtered fountain for cripes sakes? That's not good enough? I don't even carbon filter the water I drink!!!!

Wow. Sean Connery still got it. Hell. Yes.

Word. Our grocery store always has the best flowers, both in pots and in arrangments. I ran into the store to get a few things last night and was trying to figure out for a second why all these dudes were milling around in floral (I'm an old married), then I realized Duh! Valentines Day. Saw a few arrangements and

I like the idea of flowers, but really when I get flowers all I am thinking is where am I going to hide these so the cats don't eat them? So flowers are not my preferred Valentines' gift.

Now that is a bouquet I can support. BACON MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER.

Thank you guys. I spent all day yesterday in bed sick out of my gourd, so I was out of commission during all of this to boot. But my hubs is an amazing man, because they were fine and his brother and his family came over, so they all had fun while I was moaning softly in bed. Because family is awesome. :) Feeling