
So.... my husband's mom died today. After a 5 month long decline from cirrhosis. Shit way to die. But glad her suffering is over. I am still devistated. And trying to deal with my grief and also trying to be there for hubs and also oh god we had to tell our four year old that Nana is dead. Wow that is some real grown

That is a great story. Rock on with your bad self, sister!

My sister gave me a wine glass that says "Mommy's Little Helper" on it for Christmas. It is now my most treasured possession.

Not that I discourage being rude to people on the internet, but what? Screaming obsenities at my child is a great way to foster communication skills? I was responding to bboston88's comment that she was awful for spending as little time as possible with her son while he's in the clingy phase. My story was supposed to

I admire your ability to deal with other people's judgy judgyness. I don't leave my girl alone in the car to run in somewhere only because of other people's judgement. DONT JUDGE ME! I am totally stealing that business card thing, that is totally a good idea. Yay to practical parenting!

I know not what this is, but it is so awesome. You are hearted, good sir or madame, for bringing this wonderful creation to my attention.

Dude, sometimes the best thing is to remove yourself from the situation before you do some REAL bad parenting. Now that my lil' one is four and a half (HOLY COW), she is all about talking us into/out of stuff and is RELENTLESS. She will be a total hard-ass negotiator, and I look forward to her reign when she is an


Did not see it till just now. Good catch. She totally looks like Fresh Prince 2.0.

I think if you don't have addictive tendencies (and I count myself among those that are not addictive) it is extremely difficult to understand what addiction is like and how it works. My husband's family has a long history of alcoholism, and that shit is scary and very hard to deal with. And totally genetic. To watch

You rock that bald head Willow! Her parents may be pushing their kids on us plebs, but they must be doing something right to have such a self-confident young woman who likes to buck convention.

My four year old daughter and I approve of this video. Love the random Cookie Monster thrown in.

Hey now, Colin Hanks has done his time doing crap work and takes bit parts and is actually, you know, not a bad actor. Plus he's cute and totally self-depreciating just like his pappy. No need to drag him into this!

This is my impression of her. I know fuck-all about this artist, but from the 30 seconds or so of the videos I have seen, it is her lack of selling the story that makes her seem inauthentic. No one thinks Gaga does not believe the fantasy world she is selling. Gaga is committed to playing the part. Lana Del Ray does

I would to. And I'm not gay!

I want this shirt so bad.

I agree... but I think the argument the rabbi makes is valid because if you can't be religious and pro-women’s' rights we end up losing a lot of people who aren't willing to give up their religion but would agree with a lot of pro-feminist thinking like this.

Imagination library is the best. I am really going to miss them when my boo turns 5 this year!

Both of my parents were in the country music business in Nashville, and told stories about how people would constantly underestimate Dolly Parton. But you'd get her alone in a board room and you would leave with whatever SHE decided you could take with you. She is a savvy businesswoman, a great songwriter and

+1 internet for you, my friend.