I believe it was Beiber's agent, so you are correct on that score.
I believe it was Beiber's agent, so you are correct on that score.
YOWSZA! That picture is damn sexy.
So so hearted for this.
Obviously they both went to the Underpants Gnomes School of Business. Step 1: Pose sexy at a pumpkin patch. Step 2: ????? Step 3: Profit!
I was totally thinking Jude Law!
LOOK at her cheekbones, people. My face weeps with jealousy.
We shall see. We are not allowed to wander about without our assigned driver. I guess it's good they don't want me to be kidnapped or accidentally go to an opium den?
OH, I will be there 2 weeks and 2 days.
Oh yes, we're in the Westin, so it is plenty fancy. I expect there will be a lot of times I think "Where is the exotic differentness???" because we are in a big tech city and it has all the conviences of home.
OMG Jezzies I am going to India in two weeks! My company is sending me to do some training for an offshore team. OMG FREE TRIP TO INDIA. I am starting to get excited. Like totally excited!!!! OMG FREE TRIP TO FUCKING INDIA!!!!
YESSSS My mother-in-law taught me this method. Totally revolutionized brussel sprouts for me. The outer leaves are almost crispy, and the inside is deliciousness incarnate. Mnnnmmmmmmm.
That gives those 71,000 an average donation of $58.57 apiece. Not so impressive.
Throw in almost finding a unified theory tying together Newton's laws and quantum physics, and that was my day too!
I just don't get it. They want people to make the decisions about their healthcare, not the government, except when it is a woman's lady parts, then they want the government to make the decisions, not the people? How can they section off a part of the body like that? "If you have a problem with your left foot, it is…
I have a 4 year old, and I find if I try to skip a song that I think is too risque, it actually calls more attention to the whole affair and makes it a bigger deal than it is. "But I like that song!" I'll hear from the back seat as soon as I touch my ipod, whether she knows the song or not. My daughter is at the point…
I have that exact same expression right now.
Awesome. I, sadly, didn't go enough to learn many of the lines, but the times I went were treasured memories. Freeze those lips!
Ryan and George are looking FINE. Evan Rachel Wood is wicked fierce.
WORD. Brilliantly put.