
Does it have to have "vomit" as a root word? Seriously, I don't need any trouble feeling the chunks rise in my mouth. :)

So hubs and I are taking off work all week for our staycation 2.0- no big house projects, no little house projects, just fun, right! And the last two days my acid reflux has been back with a vengenace! I blame work- we found out that half of my team's jobs are being outsourced to India. Very stressful, even though my

Y'all are making me thirsty! I think it's white russian time!

So hearted for this. Yay polygamous cat marriage!

Dude I am so clutzy that I could still use the help to sit down. Totally missed my chair with my butt on more than one occasion? Without the use of drugs? Why yes, that would be me!

Thanks everybody. I still don't know for sure if I will have to go, but it really makes the most sense to send me, as I'm probably the only person on the team who knows all of the systems and processes. Especially since part of my current job is to make all of the training manuals. If they offer to send me, I'm going.

I found out today that my company is probably outsourcing a team I used to manage to India. Like, the country. And in my new role I may have to go to India for 2-4 weeks to train them. Eeep. And I can't talk to anyone at work so they don't wig out and think they're all gonna get laid off. Which supposedly they won't,

If it wasn't for napping on the couch my hubs and I wouldn't have survived baby iroqdemic's babyhood. We used to both curl up on the couch with her tucked in the nook made by our bellies. I think I have several pictures of one or the other of us passed out on the couch. Baby never rolled off the couch, we never

So that's why they aren't getting married! They knew about the math!

Thirded. So great!

Totally hearted for that.

Which California of course will win. Texans can only do square dancing!

Hear hear. I don't do dead kid stories anymore now that I'm a mom. Too horrible. And by god, hand out some effing condoms!

It's like a Lewis Black routine about hearing someone say "If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." You spend too much time thinking about it and end up dead from a brain anurysm. Best to let it go.

I have not followed this case at all. Ever since I had my daughter, I have like zero tolerance for dead baby/dead child stories. It takes me to a place in my brain I just don't want to go, so I don't. Especially if a family member is involved. Just-no. I have too many other things I can pick to worry about.


LUV it. So wish I could dye my hair crazy colors.

I had no idea Cesar Milan was controversial. Huh. As a lifelong cat owner, but never owned a dog, I am ignorant in the ways of dog training. The more you know!

YES. Imagine a regular pad, without wings, for a 20 foot tall woman. That is what it looks like.

Word to all of you fine ladies. As a working mom to an almost 4 year old with a husband and family to help, raising this kiddo is hard ass work, even with all of the advantages we have. And don't even get me started on how much I hated being pregnant. So. Swolen. I love my daughter with the fire of 1000 suns, but she