
Word and hearted. The second I discover someone is a creationist, or a fan of Sarah Palin, I say "Well isn't that nice!" and walk away slowly. You can't use logic or reason to get someone out of something that reason and logic didn't get them into. Unless you're Macgyver.

I unironically love Weird Al. I loved him when I was 10, I loved him when I saw him in concert when I was 31 and it was the week after I found out my mom had cancer, and I love this video. I still listen to Dare To Be Stupid. Weird Al, you are the bomb.

ME! I tried once to watch that show and I had to turn it off after 5 minutes. So crappy.

Watch out, we'll be reaching speeds of 3!

I just had this conversation with a coworker. He claimed that "you know how women are" with gossip and I was like, uh, guys do it just as much as us. If it's not people we know, you dudes are talking about sports players all the time. Ever listened to sports talk radio? Talk about body snarking bitchery.

Want to hear a horrible spider story? We had just moved into our house, and one night a GIANT wolf spider scurried across the floor in front of my husband and I. This thing was 2 inches across easy. Hubby stomped down on it, and then what looked like THOUSANDS of little spots started running around his foot. The

Again, maybe I'm just a fuddy duddy. Or lucked out that I met and married my husband before facebook and twitter. But I never, never, NEVER would take a nekkid picture of myself, much less send it to anyone. Much less to someone you never actually met! Why oh why do politicians have no idea how to handle their "urges"?

I will now try to come up with a way to use "cock gobbler" as many times as possible today. I love new curse word combinations!

So fucking hearted.

LOL, true I do work with some people who can be a bit immature. In general, though, many of them have worked together for years, so we definitely have a "work family" type vibe going. Plus, stress eating together is fun!

I don't blame you! I hate when my husband does that! It's not all the time, but he does have a tendency to act like the absent-minded professor sometimes.

We have the music business here, so they are big on intellectual propery rights and such. So protecting the companies that make money off of intellectual property is also a priority. As is keeping people from saying the word "gay". Sigh. My state government has really embarrassed me this year.

That is not how my office is at all. People bring food to work all the time, and treats, and have candy dishes. And get mad if you don't participate in group eating. Maybe it's a southern thing?

Thanks ladies. My best friend couldn't talk and I just needed to vent! My 3 and a half year old and I went outside after that and played on her swingset before it got dark, which is a very awesome way to relax. It's hard to be mad when you're on a swing.

That is pure awesome.

Just the whole idea that there would be a nekkid picture or video out there, of me, that could somehow get in the wrong hands. The internet is FOREVER, people!

I was so looking forward to a fun relaxing weekend, but I get home to no housework being done AGAIN by my stay at home during the day husband, his car is still in the shop and won't be out till monday so I will have to take off from work some time on monday to take him to the mechanic, plus I won't have a car this

So am I the only person in the free world that has never made a sex tape, a nude photo, nor solicited such from my paramours? I didn't think I was that much of a prude.

Now that is a salacious rumor! That's what I'm talking bout.

Woah. Super creepy.