I want "Enjoy your smut. In moderation" on a tshirt. Genius!
I want "Enjoy your smut. In moderation" on a tshirt. Genius!
a) easy b) blue c) young d)..... is it ham?
WTF is it about rich banking executives and hotel maids? Rich dudes? Hey? Can you keep your hands off of domestic workers, please? Kthankx.
Agreed and agreed. I kinda glanced thru the pictures before I read all of the story and I was thinking "Who is that hot guy?" And on the adoption thing- I think we know he's adopted, tabloids.
Cute as a button, and in an arty photo to boot. Well done!
Oh yeah.
OMG This looks awesome with just the right amount of old school muppet schockiness. Seriously, have you watched the old school Muppet Show? Jim Henson was not satisfied until he made you cry at least once an episode. AND I LOVE AMY ADAMS. Especially when she is all in enchanted mode.
YES. The last thing of the night I want to do is SLEEP. Not engage in a workout.
GOD DAMN concern trolls was right. I got LECTURED one time about having a Coke because of the caffiene. Look, if it wasn't for caffiene I would not had been able to function when I was pregnant. BACK OFF.
LOVE THIS VIDEO. I am a very embarassed native Tennesseean and I really want to buy a big stack of "that's so Takei!" bumper stickers and start plastering them on cars.
Thirded. Not a fan but this is a great idea.
Love it. My sister and I had a babysitter that would write fan fiction about the band and let us read it. Somehow I think my mom would not have approved if we were reading stories about our babysitter losing her virginity to Simon LeBon.
You can have Simon as long as John Taylor is free. My 2nd grade self swoons for John.
They should get hazard pay for having to watch the news channels at all- that shit is toxic to brain cells.
WORD. I drink beer that tastes good. Period.
I thought it was Obama too.
OK I had to stop reading at the part where he says "The prosecutors say that Mr. Strauss-Kahn "forced" the complainant to have oral and other sex with him. How? Did he have a gun? Did he have a knife?"
That is full of win.
We can still call you MoGlo, right?