I would probably be aloof too if I had paparazzi stalking my every move.
I would probably be aloof too if I had paparazzi stalking my every move.
I thought the exact same thing.
iroqdemic likes this.
Super cute! Too bad I never let my nails grow long enough to do cute things to them. /nail biters anonymous
Woah. That is bad. I had no idea.
what. the. fuck. That's bullshit right there.
Wait, all this jaw breaking and mouth wiring shutting is to cure an overbite? I would think braces would be better? Or is the jaw SO out of alignment that you have to realign it? But wouldn't your face be like all crooked before if it was that out of alignment? I don't think I have a firm grasp on how the mechanics of…
One of my favorites as well. Love the spot in The Time Haters where they shoot the slave owner and there's like the scratchy record noise and Dave is like doubled over on the floor laughing.
Let me know when you develop this kiddie catapult (kiddie-pult?), as my bad back would love never to have to lift my 38.5 lb. 3 year old again.
Mind if I take the seat next to you?
THIS. I loved the show, but I really want the women to be less...flat. If society went to hell, I sure as hell would not put up with any more "men rule the world" attitude. Homey don't play that.
That just made my Mother's Day. Thank you!
I love that movie!
Those two movies are classic movies, period, says this white girl. I still quote "Coming to America" regularly. And Grace Jones STOLE "Boomerang". Afterbirth, the perfume? Genius.
Big hugs to all Jezzies with parent issues. It is better to not have your mom in your life if she is that crazy/abusive/crappy. Life is far too short to put up with that crap.
You are the best daughter ever, and hopefully when my 3 yr old is your age she will give me such a kick-ass mother's day.
The Memphis Zoo was kinda like that. I was suddenly very uncomfortable being that close to an animal with such big teeth.
A definition I got from a very good history teacher:
GO you silly person!