
Oh my god you just figured out what is wrong with that commercial. That commercial was bugging me but I couldn't figure out why.

Dude, that song is bangin'.

Very accurate, actually.

I'm thinking more like the melting Nazi face from Indiana Jones.

Dude. Awesome.

Anyone else picturing Prince William going all Oprah in that picture? "YOU'RE not invited! YOU'RE not invited! And YOU'RE not invited!"

I was trying to place the haircut. Thank you! Her skin is gorgeous! She's like glowing.

Yowza. I don't even have a dick and I want to pound that ass from behind.

That is awesome. Eliza, you are wise beyond your years.

Yes, exactly! It's all one pissing contest.

Excellent point. When I was pre-toddler I was not exactly setting the world on fire. I find that I actually do more things now. Partly because I think it is good for her to be exposed to zoos and big shopping malls and picnics and stuff. I don't want her to be sheltered. And partly because doing stuff tires her out

WORD. It's like the "war" between stay at home moms and working moms. ALL moms need support. And now that I have a child, And am getting a bigger taste day by day of how much of a marathon raising one is- the only people who should do this are people who really want it. So get the heck out of EVERYONES' reproductive

OMG I can't wait for the video.

TRUTH. The only time I dry my jeans is if they are a bit big when I buy them.

Dude, as a formerly blonde straight hair owner, I was SOOOO JEALOUS of my friends with curly hair. My hair just hangs there, like a corpse. If only my mom had let me have pink or purple streaks.

My 3 and 1/2 year old will sit still for a pedicure as long as we're watching a kid-friendly movie. Our personal favorite is "Labrynth". Seems like David Bowie is perfect to accompany painting toenails.

I unironically love Ke$ha. I even bother to spell her name with the dollar sign. Because she is fun and trashy, knows she's fun and trashy, and wants us all to come on her fun and trashy drunken glitter party.


If they actually make the bunnies the focus of the show- like showing their experience and making them -shock- actual people and well rounded characters, and make the show about the experience within the Playboy empire for the real women, it might be interesting. If they are all boring one-note stereotypes and the men

Oh I loved that movie. So good. And based on Gloria Steinem's work? Even better.