
THIS. My aunt used to work for a distributor that stocked the cds-movies-games for Wal Mart. And Wal Mart was their sole client. So she was basically a Wal Mart employee without even working for them. And she had similar experiences there to women in the class action suit. Ugh. Wal Mart even exported their crappy

Oddly enough, Mr iroqdemic and I are opposite of the stereotype. I get way sleepy, and he gets wide awake.

Got the Tshirt.


I almost spit my linguine on my screen. Well played, my friend.

I know nothing of P.Z. Myers, but I instantly like him or her.

That sounds yummy! Mine was chicken, mushrooms, leeks (really one BIG leek), carrots, and a milk based sauce. From a slow cooker cookbook I picked up from the dollar bin years ago. Yum.

Waiting for my awesome crock pot chicken to be done, surfing the net instead of putting away laundry. Procrastination- it's what's for dinner!

God, wouldn't that be great? All Tea-Baggers must be mussled when in public!

Congrats! And oh yes, I was an emotional train wreck when I was knocked up. I cried at sad billboards, people. BILLBOARDS!

She looks really good! Happy Birthday Queen of Soul!

Imagine the good we could do if we put as much money into sex conventions instead of the military. We could bring peace to the Middle East. Or at least bring the Middle East to a happy ending.

I remember her campaign. I was 10 in 1984 and I just remember being really impressed whenever I saw her speaking. RIP, trailblazer.

Scott Adams can suck my lady dick.

I think I love your mom.

This is in the town next door to me. huh. My high school did not have male cheerleaders. We were behind the times like that.

If only someone would shoot the Black Eyed Peas. Seriously. How are they so famous?

OMG that is a lot of cute for 44 seconds.

@SeriesofTubes: Can I just say WORD. And bacon. Emiril may be all weird and creepy, but he is right- pork fat rules.

@Tvini: THIS. The fact that they paid for the services of some shady "record label" that is going to make her an "instant star" - the people that took their money should be at least equally to blame. She did not go to them with this half-assed song. They had the song. Anyone who would pay good money for this video