
@emma.jayne: Word. We made up though. Not naked makeup because we're old and lazy and had to get up early today, but we did not go to bed mad.

I got off work earlier than expected and the boy was off work too, but we got into a fight, and now we are on our computers in separate rooms. Bah. So much for a fun Friday night.

@MeaniePants: Well I will save you a seat on the bus to hell. :)

@Niki S: When she gets to be the right age, she needs to be Mrs. Havasham, amirite? She would KILL it.

@MeaniePants: Hugs to everyone who has to deal with uber religious family. My family thankfully is not that crazy, but my brother in law is. Like, he will witness to you at the drop of a hat and speaks in tongues and stuff. *sigh* He is such a good and kind hearted guy, but he is also bat-shit insane.

@worrywort: Especially for the subset of religious people you speak of, there is a huge peer-pressure component as well. People that religious are probably very tightly knit with their church, and others in their family may be that religious as well. Like the original article said her parents were not prepared to

@meremaid: Well said well said! Speaking as a parent, I know that there are things my daughter may want to do that I will absolutely hate or not understand, and that's going to be on ME to figure out why, if it's something that is not harmful to herself or others. Mind you she's 3, so I have quite a while before I

This chart is awesome. I want a big printout to hang on my wall so I can endlessly stare at it. So I can figure out exactly what my Missy Prissy is.

@msmoneypenny misses MizJ: Oh god ain't it true! The self righteous parade gets old real fast. But, the sweet tea is universally good. There are trade offs.

@BiggieShorty: For a second I was like, what? Who was being an ass? everyone seems to be behaving themselves quite nicely. Blame the cocktail of cold and flu remedies currently fogging my brain up.

@msmoneypenny misses MizJ: It blew my mind a little when I learned that Rosa Parks was acutally CHOSEN to start the whole bus protest. I remember learning like in elmentary school that she was just a little old lady who got tired one day. Rosa Parks was a brave lady.

@Birthday Girl: WORD. Hate the GOP, disagree with Condolezza Rice, but respect her immensely. Her encyclopedic knowledge pegs her as a fellow nerdy girl, and I heart her for that.

What about the constant fashion show that is kids' birthday parties? I went to a birthday party with my 3 year old and had to resist the urge to make her dress in something cuter, but less comfortable than the leggings and mismatched shirt that she had picked out. I had to keep repeating to myself that anyone who

@weirdette: And a refurbished one at that! Here mom, clean your house, but not with a NEW vacuum!

I want a copy of David Beckam's statement if it is in Dr. Seuss format. That would be awesome.

Wait, why would the class have any say in one of their classmate's grades? That makes no sense.

So what is the deal with 1/11/11? Is it like because it is all ones? And that is different and special because what? They are lazy and don't like finding the other numbers?

As far as I'm concerned, Sandra Bullock can bang anyone she wants, at any time. Rock on, sista.