
@duckdeux: If you figure it out, let me know.

@archaeo_girl: Me too. That stinks! I mourn for your sad lack of bacon.

Seriously, I respect vegetarians and all, but I could never be one because I love the taste of pork too much. I know he's annoying, but Emiril is right- pork fat rules.

@Queenjulie: no doubt in a smart trenchcoat to boot. loved that show.

@redqueenmeg: Don't forget Addison Madison Kylee Brianna Kaycee!!!!

I love the wee piglet in the galoshes.

Fuck 2010 for treating all of you so shitty, because you lesibian shitasses deserve so much better. You all are awesome and funny and smart, and 2010 WISHES it could be as awesome as you. F U 2010. We will not miss your stinky ass.

They just played the film in reverse, right?

@juliebea: dude, that website is creepy. Like, the before and after are like "Alive!" then "Dead in the eyes!"

@kookla: worded. I would smear everyone's glasses with jelly so I'm all soft focus if i could.

H.O.T. Of course I'm a sucker for shiny.

I think they are adorable. And Kate seriously needs to let us in on her hair secret. Like, how does she get it so shiny and bouncy and gorge? It's like bounce and behave on 11!

@Susanna-Banana: YES! My friend who lives in Pasadena is always talking about how tiny the famous people are when she has star sightings. We started calling LA the Land of the Wee.

@annewithaneee: Wow, that is awesome. Your MIL sounds cool.

Dear Anonymous Slayer chick- you are awesome. That is like a genius workout regimen. I may have to steal it.