
@jemandtheholograms: I will only call my vadge Minaj when it's wearing some crazy colored merkin.

I heart MoGlo's Dirtbags. Plus, MoGlo is like a totally awesome nickname. Hope you have a good holiday, girl!

This is awesome. I usually shower every other day, with a "birdbath" in between (wash the lady bits and the pits) out of pure laziness. Now, I'm not lazy! I'm HEALTHY for showering less. I approve!

My two stinkers are Kittico, aka Miss Priss (because she totally is), Missy, Miss Kitty, Fluffy Butt (again, because she totally is), Fuzzy Butt, and probably more I'm forgetting. The other one is Mr. Spock (because he has pointy ears and teleports), otherwise known as Little Bit, or Mister. Somehow he has not

"That is the LAST time I let you do the cabbage patch at a wedding. You hear me Nigel??"

Linda Carter was, and still is, awesome sauce.

@ladra-luna misses MizJ: That hurt my shoulders watching it. How did those dudes get their bodies to do that? Was that like CGI?