
BS? On Deadspin? That’s kinda how kinja works. See a thing, twist it sideways and regurgitate. In this instance Timothy Burke has chosen to focus on a roof being closed without really discussing why. If we’re going to talk about a thing then the reason that thing occurs is totally inbounds. This is true in football as

Fucking liberal thermometers. Fake temperatures.’s fucking 90 degrees in October in Dallas? It’s pusing up into the 80s in Boston again tomorrow. We are so fucking doomed.

We have meatlog sandwiches. They are called bratwurst on a bun.

No mention of 187lb, human joystick, Dante Hall? For shame.

Coins are legal tender, but a US meechant can chose the type of legal tender they accept. Big ole’ grey area. If the garage had refused to accept the coins it would have been a court fight.

Plead people of Las Vegas. Challenge this BS in court. Get an injunction.

The costumes...

This seems like a situation where intent could make this really awesome or really...something else.

Drew, as a Chiefs fan I have to say this was by far your weakest WYTS16.

One- I know I’m not the only one here that is high, that’s why I come here.

Get em Willie!

Merrill Hoge can write?

Though it is possible you only feel that way because you’re high.

Please no. Just because he gets a scoop or gets a dart right from time to time doesn’t mean he isn’t a shock jock with a tv deal.

Where's the fun in that?

Didn’t say you should care what I think. I have a one hitter and I’m not afraid to use it.

Who are you kidding. The beauty of the Internet is that we have a public forum to go full on Ancient Athenian on each other.

Their isolated tribes that are having their world interact with them. As any of us would be if we lived in relative homogeneous isolation (see WV).