
eh, close enough...

How do signing bonuses factor into this? So player X is drafted and given a $50k signing bonus. Do they still get the 14 dollars per week per diem? Or the International FA who signs a contract with 20 million they also get the 14 bucks?

#20 thinks he is reffing a football game. No sir, that’s not a touchdown.

Capture the flag in South America looks way different than what i used to play...

4. Scorpion From The Matrix

She’s gonna be a sore luger when she wakes up tomorrow....

official fiefdoms like Guaranteed Rate (cannot believe they renamed it that) and Soldier Fields, places full of every kind of beer served in large tankards clasped by fans who are loudly proclaiming that this is OUR year,...

yeah, but we all know what’s waiting for him at the end....

Looks to me like they are just shooting some clay targets...while the lefty on the far right has his gun pointed at the water.

....Adrian Peterson style.

weak bat flip tho...

Part of being a Bears fan is hating it the opposing teams, or their own.

More like Opossum Bear....

They have a few Owls and a couple Hawks/Falcons/Harriers. But not enough or big enough to take out a Possum, which is the main problem facing the Kiwi’s.

Why don’t you just ask him how fast he is?

Seriously bruh?... Bruh, listen, if you don’t like what you’re reading, move on. Ok bruh? Aren’t there some clouds that need yelling at? Bruh?

You need civil people to have civil conversations.

So how does a 1 degree F increase impact the world? Some places are hotter than normal by a degree? The number seems so insignificant, yet it people make a huge deal out of it. I live in the midwest US, and the impact of a 1 degree increase means 90 degrees with 90% humidity in the summer is now about 91 with 90%

LG controls the settings and content on most of their TV’s in the retail environment (Magnolia sections included), and their calibrations per the content (either USB driven, or embedded content) are pretty accurate. They used to run store content, but have moved away from that in recent years to show the true

This guy is funny....