Shit man. Theres some writers out there who can’t find a job and to them I say this. If Nick Douglas can get paid to write dumb two bit shit like this then so can you.
Shit man. Theres some writers out there who can’t find a job and to them I say this. If Nick Douglas can get paid to write dumb two bit shit like this then so can you.
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.
Both by Duluth Trading: Armachillo in the summer and Buck Naked in the winter. The Armachillo ones cool the boys like nothing less than their own window AC unit.
Both by Duluth Trading: Armachillo in the summer and Buck Naked in the winter. The Armachillo ones cool the boys…
My husband loves the Duluth Trading Buck Naked boxer briefs. I bought him a pair (and their socks for steel-toes shoes) as a stocking stuffer one year and he promptly ordered a full week’s worth.
My husband loves the Duluth Trading Buck Naked boxer briefs. I bought him a pair (and their socks for steel-toes…
Worst case scenario for me is some Scotsman dunked his nuts in my scotch before bottling.
In my experience, while some people do choose not to have children because they hate kids, more people choose not to have children because they like kids too much to subject them to life with unhappy parents.
I’m 40, married, with no children. It’s amazing how in 2017 I still get snide comments from people for choosing a life without kids (particularly from women of child bearing age). I’m selfish, my life has no meaning, and, by all accounts, I’ll have no one to care for me when I’m old. Even as a child growing up, I knew…
Honest to God.... I’m 26 and actually look FORWARD for moments like this where looking at a phone is frowned upon. Just turn off the god damn phone for 1.5-2 hours.
Yes salesman are sketchy but many of them aren’t really in the know. Could have genuinely been referring to the 1080 being $500
And the whole thing worked better than the Bluetooth bullshit we have to use today. No pairing worries, no battery worries, no security worries.
Nice welcome to the family. Don’t mind Kotaku humping your leg; it does that to everyone.
Is she tickled? I CAN’T TELL I’M TOO OUT OF TOUCH TO UNDERSTAND. Please send help.
Why is this showing on my feed on 12.20.2016????
Does every fucking post have to mention DT. Can we please leave this post alone and let it stand on its own. This post is tragic enough.
-Older female cashiers
Eat less, work out more, weigh less and still have saddlebags.
I would like to reiterate that some people have stubborn bodies. I know women who run triathlons and eat very well and still have what society considers “fat” on their bodies. Just because eating well and working out worked for you doesn’t mean it’s actually that simple for all body types and metabolisms, and dumping…
Please note the timestamp on this post. This event took place on Dec. 20, 2010.
Is it rather sad that I wouldn't mind seeing these making a come back? All to often I'll get stuck behind the dumbass that leaves their turn signal on for what seems forever till they finally take a turn (usually the opposing way of the blinker that was on). Adding these back on cars may help millions of drivers…