
How about some love for Colonel Sanders’ Tijuana Picnic?

How about some love for Colonel Sanders’ Tijuana Picnic?

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Always thought that until my aunt brought me some fresh packs of Haribo Gold Bears home from one of her Germany trips. Those were so beautifully soft and wonderfully tasty. At that point, I figured that the U.S. just got a different recipe... until I found a local store that actually seemed to actually get them

Haribo’s Ginger-Lemon gummis got me through an awful flu a couple of years ago and seem to be a great throat-soother to me, so I now always have some around, just in case. Plus, they’re just yummy.

Long live the Oxford Comma!!!

I love using Vintage seltzer as a base for Bradley’s Kina or Jack Rudy (Small Batch or Elderflower) tonics. Just the right amount of bubbles, no distracting taste, soft mouthfeel, and a better-than-right price.

Interesting, considering they just announced MailButler 9 days ago:


That is a wonderfully concise summation.

She claims that both boys and girls are fascinated by its machinations

YouTube Red exist [sic] because using Adblock has actual consequences.

Playing using Screwdrivers (would have been something more if I didn’t have to get up for work).

New Amsterdam makes a great G&T when you have a good quality craft tonic you don’t want the gin to step on.

Why are there rules against this but there are apparently no rules regarding the minimum pulse-width for powering LED’s. Some Cadillac LED tail lights, for instance, have a slow enough pulse-width on their dim mode (headlights on, brakes off) that, to someone like me with eyes sensitive to that sort of thing, it

I discovered that bringing the equalization back to flat levels rather than my usual settings for classical seemed to take the rattle out, but still some of the low tones are somehow disconcerting to my ears. Not sure if it is a function of the headphone or the music itself.

Just a little heads-up for anyone looking for this on the iTunes Music Store... the iTunes version seems to have some strange sub-bass frequencies that my headphones (eskuché Control v2 as well as JVC HA-NC250) just don’t want to handle and this results in a rather jarring rattling sound instead of what I’m sure the

Soooooo, that little toy is why I’ve never heard of this person, huh?

My wife has always been the type who is happy to find a chef who will send out a blue steak. Me? I grew up in a well-done household.

Some duck dishes are served medium-rare bordering on rare. My wife had a wonderful rare-to-medium-rare duck breast a couple weeks ago at an upscale restaurant we visited while traveling. Not sure how that might work out in an immunocompromised person.

I prefer my dishes be bussed as soon as possible... I am quite clumsy and the longer a plate sits in front of me with sauce remnants, the more likely I am to find some way to either get my sleeve in it or flip a fork halfway across the restaurant because of errant gesturing.