Every game should just use Comic Sans.
Every game should just use Comic Sans.
Are the bosses still bullet sponges in this game? I haven’t picked it up yet and I was just curious.
“Why do you watch strangers play video games?”
Cue the folks who are upset you made fun of their funny money.
The picture is showing the dumbbells with two expansions added to them. The fifty pound set is about half of that. And adjusting the weight in 2.5 lb increments isn’t as easy as a “flick of a switch.” The handle has to be separate from the weights to add/remove the 2.5 pound weights then the other weights are selected…
The picture is showing the dumbbells with two expansions added to them. The fifty pound set is about half of that.…
Dat headline tho.
I guess people don’t understand what Microsoft meant by premium console. They beat everybody over the head with the fact that it was a premium console and would be priced accordingly. I’m actually shocked that it wasn’t $600 or more. But, by all means, let’s cry that it isn’t priced the same as the Xbox One S or PS4…
It’s definitely life-like. It doesn’t look anything like Gal Gadot though.
A drawing of the back of a head no less.
Is that a new picture. Your hair looks awesome.
Love this.
I’ll play however I damn well please. Kthxbye.
Bravely Default. Having to fight the same bosses over and over again was tedious and an obvious attempt to pad the game time.
If a game with sub-par graphics releases on the PS4: “Gameplay and story are much more important than graphics.”
America is weird like that. This country has an attitude towards sex like “ooohhhh, so risqué, so naughty!” When really sex is a part of life .
I went back to The Division last week for the first time in a few months. The main things that bothered me were the ridiculous bullet-sponge enemies and trying to do anything in the Dark Zone. Despite what Ubisoft claims, people will go after you in the Dark Zone all the time.
I love the comic that was tweeted. Right after Ana tells Hana to keep that on the down low, Hana shouts at the top of her lungs in excitement.
This was a big problem in arcade mode brawl. Because of the rapid cool down time, it would only take two Anas. Not sure what the point is, but it would get annoying until a teammate came to take them out.
How do you not make a lot of money doing biomedical research? That’s bullshit. You’re working in a very important field and should be paid better.
She’d be a perfect Mei.