I’m really hoping the site is nothing but videos of Snoop and Martha Stewart getting high and crafting together. I would reload 100x a day for content updates.
I’m really hoping the site is nothing but videos of Snoop and Martha Stewart getting high and crafting together. I would reload 100x a day for content updates.
Oh, our whole dealio is different. Like we don’t vote directly for our Prime Minister - the leader of the party with most seats in parliament is the PM. We vote for the member of parliament for our own area. And there isn't this big thing every time to pick a candidate. We don't have term limits for PM.
I can see it!! 👀
I accidently typed it THEN left it! Thanks tiny iPhone keyboard ❤️
Holy shit, you can do that? We absolutely have to be members as far as I know (in Canada). I suppose we could get memberships to all parties. But Im scared to get on mailing and phone lists.
Lol, what? If I was American, I’d be feeling the Bern right now. Shit, I am anyways. I’m jealous of the possibility of that option. I am a giant raging Canadian socialist.
It's going to be a full scale Big Bang Theory.
What? You asked who I think should win. I think Bernie Sanders should win. First by being fairly elected in the primary and then by being fairly elected in the generals.
Strategic selection is a good move to avoid having to actually assign bestness to one of these yahoos.
The disconnect is happening because you can’t connect sex with hatred. It’s rapist culture. Sex isn’t occupying the same space as it does for you or I. It’s not about love or sensuality. For these “people,” it exists in a toxic melange of desire for power and to degrade that which they hate. Sex is a commodity and a…
Few articles ago, a lady with my height/weight (5’1”, 135 pounds) called herself fat, and no one could figure out why she thought that about herself. These guys *right here* is why she thinks (and I think) that height/weight is fat.
Xof and I BRO everything, but BROstBoobs is BROda. (BROda, she is)
I am in my late 30s and I’m a fat chick. Too old and too fat for the win!
BROblic BROmiliation! On which they will BROgretfully BROminisce in years to come.
We didn’t
alwayssay nice things, andsometimeswe were downright mean.SometimesIjust vented about frustrating experiences in anam immature, hateful, and foolishway.
Anyone who uses phrases like “Save A Ho” deserves to be suffocated in their own coffee grounds. That whole entry was puke-worthy.
This is good kinja.
And it’s still a better name than Trigg. Or her grandson Tripp.
Richard Dawkins has done a great job of proving that just because you don’t believe in a deity doesn’t mean you can’t be an obnoxious bigoted asshole.
But Key & Peele, tho :(