IronMaidenForm now with Pence-Trump Stress Disorder

On the one hand, I don’t conspicuously claim my Latina status precisely because I see how my light skin gets me treated better than my moreno siblings (genetics are weird.) It feels to me like what your friend is doing - claiming oppressed status to benefit myself when I’m actually the beneficiary of white privilege.

And let’s not forget her craven materialism.

As a fair skinned Puerto Rican, how am I supposed to act then? Am I playing when I identify with my culture? Sure I look white but when anyone sees my last name I’m just another “Hispanic”. Growing up in the Bronx I was never brown enough for the Afro Latinos, or white enough for the actual white people. This is an

I’m Latin American and pasty white. Should I return my passport and forget I speak Spanish? This isn’t about race and there isn’t a right or wrong way to be Latino. Be critical of people on the actual substance of what they’re saying, not their identity.

They seem to ignore that Latino is not a race and that there are indeed millions of white people living all over Latin America and who are as Latino as those with darker skin. When your entire argument is that Oprah is being ignorant (and she is), it would help not to be ignorant yourself. 

I don’t know if American Dirt is a good book or a bad book. But it is a kind of on-brand exploitation by Oprah to promote the book (which is a calculated business decision and not a statement of mere personal preference) without considering the implications of a white/Puerto Rican author’s novelization of Mexican

That is the way to deal with Buttigieg. I’m sure you are right. But I get dunking on him. I try to imagine feeling like at his age, after being the mayor of South Bend (sounds like dahncing!—with apologies to Hepburn), that I should be president. I see people comparing him to Obama like, “Obama had only been a senator

Violence is not the answer” is some horseshit “rule” oppressive power structures want you to believe.

This doesn’t strike me as him being selfish, but rather beyond frustrated and hopeless. He WAS there for her. For 2 years he stood with her and tried to make the charges stick. He worked with the system and the system ignored his daughter. It went so far that the school basically accused her of making it up

Based on the victims past behavior, we conclude his actions were consistent with him asking for it.

I mean...violence is not the answer, but I understand. I don’t condone it, but I get it.

She has the self awareness of a garden slug. 

Meghan McCain criticizing someone because she thinks they didn’t “earn” something is...something.

Meghan McCain was already in the holiday spirit this week, lamenting the PC war on Christmas . . .

Calling climate change the lefts’ “religion” is all the proof anyone needs that McCain is only good for lolz.

Tulsi Gabbard as a running mate would do nothing but ensure no matter which party wins, we would have an unacceptable amount of Russian influence in the White House until at least 2024. 

‘Dirtbag leftists,' oh thanks, almost thought you were making a good faith critique. Thanks for signalling otherwise!!!!!!

Where did I say it shouldn’t? I stated that I don’t give a fuck what the GOP says about any candidates. And I don’t.

Which would be hilarious considering everything Trump has done. I don’t really give a shit what the GOP says about any of the candidates. Why would I?