
I guess they’re trying to be heroes rather than the gods Snyder’s characters were supposed to be.

Batman is very much a hero for all intents and purposes.

Also it is interesting that the slate they are advertising is . . . mostly not heroes?

Only about ten years too late.

“The World Needs Heroes” tagline . . . is that an attempt at a break from the past DC slate?  One of the big criticisms of the Snyderverse is that they are rarely shown being heroic, or that their heroism is tempered with . . . murder.

Came here to say this is nothing new and to post a picture of an existing device. Thanks for doing it for me!

Sweet! I can’t wait for her to play regular She-Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Gray She-Hulk and Yellow She-Hulk all in one scene!

As someone still upset that Maslany lost out on the lead role in Rogue One I’m glad she’s finally headlining something again. And it’s Maslany, she can do so much with body language and tone to make She Hulk work.

Got to say I envisioned and hoped it would be:


A lot of the hero worship that sprang up around George Lucas in the ‘70s and ‘80s was based around the notion that he had created an entire world. The reality was that he’d pieced Star Wars together from a variety of sources —including comic books and strips and SF stories (both “low” pulp and “higher” forms like Found

I may be showing my age, but I (easily). I really dislike the modern, trope laden mess that the series has become. 

I may be showing my age, but I (easily). I really dislike the modern, trope laden mess that the series has become. 

It’s been an okay to good run with moments of greatness, not this character redefining epic that everyone likes to say it is. It’s kind of a more cerebral remix of batman’s greatest hits without a ton of new stuff, sort of like how Snyder’s run was a heavy metal remix. Every time a writer gets more than 50 issues they

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement

Fuck this misogynistic show.

The Unsullied are brainwashed and trained to obey unconditionally, and even when granted his freedom, Grey Worm chose to stand by Daenerys. Combine the psychological damage he grew up through, the loss of his one love, and his queen deciding to attack, and it makes perfect sense, optics be damned.

At least Sallador is

I am a former Marine. I can tell you from experience that the reports are not only true, but under-reported. Yesterday,the Marine Times ran a story about the lack of basic discipline plaguing the Corps in the 2nd Marine Division. My Division. It is worse than they are saying. Not only that, but there was always,

Even this snippet was brutal to read. Erasing Wally made me walk away from DC. Barry Allen’s Crisis sacrifice was momentous. It stuck for what 20 years? It was sad and heroic. Seeing Wally grow into the role of the Flash was a hero’s journey. It was epic. Inspiring. And then he was shoved aside for Barry’s return. It