
I can’t wait for a release where choice in protagonist gender doesn’t need a preemptive anything.

While I’ve heard some great thnigs about FF 6 (III) I’ve never been able to get that into it so I’ll have to give it up to FFTactics as the best in the series. A personal soft spot for me inspite of it’s flaws is FF8. Something about that cast just really nailed the family vibe.

While I’ve heard some great thnigs about FF 6 (III) I’ve never been able to get that into it so I’ll have to give it

Shout out to Orlandu from FF Tactics. Getting him on your squad just really made you feel like real force to be reckoned with.

So I’m watching this for the first time and already am so conditioned to the bullshit that I involuntarily heard the excuses waiting to be thrown out in defense of the officers.

Regardless of circumstances (ie even if this was a “good” shoot) I’m confused as to how the standard operating procedures work for LE. I’m active duty and even in the event of a justified use of force scenario you still “own” the combatant and have to administer care until relieved by medical professional. Is that

There is something a bit interesting that the women raised to be queen, molded and chosen to be a general/revolutionary would have fallen to the state of being a soldier committing a serious of war crimes. I’m sure there will be many pieces over the net to discuss the show as a euphemism for modern politics and the

I read both those articles and I would caution you against using militarytimes and well sourced in the way you did. Both articles also expressed reasoning behind the drop to include a better job market. Also you seem to not want to grapple with the citizenry who does have a much more active voice in “telling where the

It depends on how the reports are made. The restricted reports are made independent of any formal investigatory process and strictly held in confidence to any trauma the survivor has had (during or prior to service). The restricted process offers many avenues to mental/emotional counseling and medical care.

Currently serving here and the manner in which you categorize a vague concept of compliance with US imperial agenda does not stop with service members and extends to tax payers and the citizenry in general. But that’s only if you want to argue from good faith. Your remarks concerning GI bill use in the post 9/11 era

Some pretty weird and harmful views come form alot of wacky religious sects but its sucks that Pratt’s words here (I’ve only read the article) really are positive and uplifting but his shit church is gonna leave it’s stink on him.

How has this massively growing forehead not fallen by the wayside with the turnover in this administration? 

Can Giuliani just go away and leave us in peace until he passes.

No they will not. They are as weak willed and fearful of being able to combat a media narrative as Republicans are willing to lie, misrepresent and destroy long-standing instituitional ethics for short term base gains

Seriously this is not surprising considering the way I see NCOs behave during SARC briefings. Did anyone see "Invisible War"? The new head of the SARC, Major General Mary K. Hertog, Just happened to be the OIC of the 2nd Air force, which is governs AETC and basic military training during the time which these actions