

Mel Brooks, sous vide? Are you kidding me? Everyone knows that you cook Mel Brooks by marinating him overnight in a soy-ginger-lime reduction, followed by grilling over high heat. Sheesh. Cretins.


She wears denim
wherever she goes.


Actually, it's being a white nationalist, gay-hating dipshit that makes you Alt-Right. Hating Hilary Clinton is just a side symptom.

No response yet. I guess they aren't interested.

Crap. 72 dick pics sent and I finally read the word "headshots" in your piece. Sigh.


Exactly! They messed with the recipe (pun intended) and made the show much, much worse.


My parents watched Dobie Gillis when they were dating. Because of this, our dog when I was growing up was named Maynard G. Krebs. We had a neighbor named Maynard so we called him Krebs. Good dog.


These would be funny if hundreds of thousands (millions?) of American morons didn't listen to this POS and believe every word he says. THAT's a huge F-ing problem and we're never going to move forward as a nation as long as it continues.

I care about Meredith Brooks' opinion exactly as much as I care about Chachi's.


Exactly. He's a writer. He should write.


Fair enough.

This is slightly off-topic, but I need to get it off my chest…