
What about his wife?

Anything that gets him out of Cutthroat Fucking Kitchen is great news.



So, can we all finally admit that Kate Hudson sucks and her role in Almost Famous was WILDLY overpraised? Or is it just me?

I don't know if I've ever been less interested in a new TV show, based solely on the ads for it. So…it's good?

Parents "overhear" their child saying something bad. Turned out they misheard it.



One sure sign that you're done with a show is when there's a giant cliffhanger…and you don't care about it. I found the tone shifts WAY too jarring. Black humor is really difficult to pull off. I don't think Vice Principals even came close.


Please please please please please don't be like "CBGB"!




My condolences to her family.

They did one about six months ago with Judy Greer working at Antonia Lafasi's (sp?) restaurant in LA. It was…OK. Then again, I would watch Judy Greer stand in line at the bank for four hours, so who knows…

Yep. Good call.

Why did John Cusack tell his agent to only find him shitty films to star in? Seriously, when was the last Cusack film that was any good?

Tanya, Turkish, liked to fuck while wearing leather biker boots…