
We are so fucked.

I'm willing to forgive this IF they OPEN ONE WITHIN 15 MILES OF MEEEEEEE! Sorry, I miss living in the big city sometimes.


I also didn't take it to mean that Perry was Jane's rapist. I took it as her seeing abuse and reacting. Do we know he was the one or are we guessing here?

Tanya, Turkish, liked to fuck while wearing leather biker boots.


I didn't. I watched the FIRST episode and then read a review of that episode. But thanks for your concern.

Not by me. And it shouldn't be assumed that everyone knows, either.

Thanks for telling me that the whole season takes place during the riot. Thanks a lot. Dumbass.

The twins were arguing on the phone and screaming "Fuck You!" at each other. I guess I don't watch much FX because I was really surprised by it.


Several F-bombs on an FX show. Is this new?

I completely misread what you originally said. You're absolutely correct.

I'm pretty sure Oliver had been on TDS for some time before Stewart took his break.

In my universe, Judy Greer plays every character.

I still love Buckaroo Banzai. I guess I gotta watch Goonies now!

I'm 52, almost 53. Never seen Goonies. Should I watch it?

Can I marry this woman?

