
It's still my favorite record of this millennium!

McLusky Do Dallas was their 2nd record…and their best.

Don't get me started! My little brother went on a Dead bender for THREE YEARS! He listened to virtually nothing else. Dark times, my friend. Dark times. LOL

Socialist pig.

It's a trap!

Burned in the mansion fire.

Exactly. The other band that always bothered me because they had an atrocious singer was the Donnas. Great garage-type band with a singer that couldn't carry a tune with two handles and a dolly.

Oh dear Gawd. Under the Bridge was the shark-jumping moment for me. Nearly unlistenable. That's definitely in my hatesong Top 10.


Whatever, dude. Different strokes.

Because one write good songs and plays guitar really, really well. The other is just a baaaaad singer.

Think of how good the Chili Peppers would be if they had an actual singer. With talent. Who could write lyrics. Man. They'd be really good.

It's really, really good TV.

I would watch the SHIT out of that!

Wasn't Hollywood going to make a Shaggs biopic? Please? Pretty please?

I apologize. However, truth be told, I have Math Jokes that I like better.

I know, right?!? Zzelqa in 2009 was the most beautiful Radiator I've ever seen! And consuming 11 zorfs in one sitting is a talent never seen before or since!

Ever wonder why EVERY SINGLE winner of the Miss Universe pageant has been from Earth? The law of averages would tell you that a Martian would get the nod every now and then, no?

You know what I find odd? Whole numbers not evenly divisible by 2…

44. My 44th birthday party was EPIC! But it's been my favorite number since Rick Monday wore it for the Cubs in the mid 1970's.