
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a Country Music Awards show on prime time TV every other week?

What a great way to get people to treat you with more respect! Act like whiny little children! Idiots.

I'm 51 years old and the flying monkeys STILL freak me out. I first saw the Wizard of Oz when I was 4 or 5. I had nightmares…for MONTHS.

And it's verified. Here's my idiot stalker. Four plus years of stupid little comments and insults. Four years of him thinking he matters. Four years of him being nothing but the most minor of annoyances. Four years of being a pathetic loser. Sad. No. Pathetic. I'm gonna go back to ignoring you and forgetting you exist

I believe IronChefSandwiches said it first!

Have the address? I'm alerting Discus too.

Moderator, this troll is following me from site to site. Can you "spam" him for me? I'm pretty sure it's the same guy that's been stalking me for years. He's been flagged several times but always finds a way back in. Thanks.

The utter failure of these three films, based on a ridiculous, childish, WILDLY overpraised novel…brings me unmitigated joy.

Like they weren't before…

Here's how tired I am. I read that three times trying to figure out why Paula Deen's picture was included. Sigh. Good night. Stay classy, San Diego.

Whoa whoa whoa. Willie Nelson isn't in? FUCK that! I guess I just assumed that he and Dolly were already in. Sheesh!


I'll never forget reading that book for the first time. I was on a plane and finished it in four hours. I was all like, "I do that! My friend and I communicate mostly by making stupid music/movie lists!" Yes. I'm a lonely man.

I skipped my Junior Prom so my GF and I could go see Cheap Trick at the Hammond Civic Center in Hammond, IN. If that doesn't get you in the Hall, what does?

#3 in my Top 5 Debut Albums of All Time!

I know, right? Just this morning, Cheap Trick asked me if they could spend the night at NWA's house. I said, "Ask Jose Peterson."

There are lots of country artists in the Hall…

Cheap Trick. It's about fucking time.

Nick, I've tried everything and I just can't bring my wife to orgasm.

Thought of another one…David Lynch. Except for Blue Velvet, I can barely sit though any of his "Lynch"ian films.