
We have almost identical lists. AV Club is gonna lock us in a room until we like Mitchell and Cohen.

Hoo boy. Great topic. My top 2, Tom Waits and Radiohead, are both on your list. I would add Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, and finally, although I don't think anyone really considers them great….the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Anthony Kiedis….can't sing. He absolutely sucks. With the exception of Give It Away, I can't stand

Just…bad. I saw her Half Hour thing on TV. It sucked. Didn't laugh once. She was going for "edgy" and only got "boring".

Oh, for fuck's sake. These people really need to find better things to do with their time.

That was it!

Yeah, I need to watch the documentary about him again. Scumbag something or other.

I remember reading about this poor Indian kid winning the grand prize on Who Wants to be a Billionaire. No WAY that kid knew all those answers! What ever happened to him?

There's no shame in finishing in the top 4!

Dating Natalie from The Facts of Life was a game changer for me.

I adore him. However, the best is Darrel Hammond imitating him auditioning for C3PO on SNL. lol

Wow. I'd never really verbalized it before but I know exactly what you mean. There are certain actors I just….don't like. And I couldn't ever really put my finger on why. I think you've nailed it.

Oh, man. The body count in Goodbye Girl ALONE puts him on the Action Master Mount Rushmore!

Actually, A Beautiful Mind is the only one I'd consider overrated but it's SO overrated that it seemed like there were more on the list.

Horribly underrated by the general public! LOVE that film!

Is it me or does it seem like every movie Lucas has been in (with the exception of Poseidon, which just flat out sucked) is either WAY overrated or WAY underrated? Actually, some of them probably can't be classified as underrated, just underseen?

Paula Deen and Dancing With the Stars.

Now they fucking tell me. FML.

Dear politicians…THIS is how you apologize!

Too soon!

Funny you should say that. It was actually the second theology course, an elective, that made me switch from an agnostic to an atheist. It was World Religions, taught by a priest. After learning that every religion is basically the exact same thing, it was pretty easy for me to dismiss them all as fairy tales.