
"Wow. That escalated quickly", he typed, after calming down a bit…

As an atheist who was required to take two fucking semesters of Theology at Notre Dame, I would suggest that these fucking assholes read the goddamn book and stop being such fucking sissies. FUCK, this pisses me off! Where is it written that you have to agree with everything you read for class? FUCK!

Myriad is, indeed, an underutilized word.

"Mother pus bucket!" - Ghostbusters
"I had a car waiting…" - Stripes
"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw." - Heathers
"And don't call me Shirley." - Airplane
"What's a transom, Bob?" - Drugstore Cowboy
"But I'm just a caveman lawyer. Your world frightens and confuses me." - Phil Hartman on SNL


I'm not convinced that anything we've been led to believe is true.

I saw him perform at the old Improv in Chicago in…1990? He was the headliner. When he first came out, he was carrying a notebook with papers stuffed into it and asked the audience if it was OK if he spent the first 20 minutes of his set trying out new stuff that he hadn't completely worked out yet. One of the funniest


I came on here to say exactly that so, instead….what he said!

Someone prosecute this asshole already.

Wow. Thank you so much for your concern. It's greatly appreciated. A few things, however. First off, I'm not gay. Not that it matters but I don't want you losing any sleep over it. Secondly, there is no God and only children and childish adults think there is. I believe in science and empirical evidence. You believe

My Number 1 album of the century so far.

A band I like wasn't included so obviously this list is total bullshit and you are all horrible people!

Thanks for the info!

Does this mean Cosmos isn't coming back? Anyone know?

Fuck Kathy Griffin. Like she didn't know what the show was before she joined. She's nothing but a fame whore. And what the hell are shallow women and gay men supposed to watch now?

The only role January Jones is right for is Trophy Wife.

Plexiglas, poop, and penguins….God Damn It! Get out of my fantasies!!!

Well shit. You beat me to it.

"As contrived sitcom premises go, it’s not so awful…"